Tips on looking gorgeous daily?


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Apr 11, 2013

Hana J.

Hey. I would love to know how to look gorgeous everyday. Here is a photo of me if it helps :) Thanks xx

Apr 11, 2013

Sarah M.

Try to drink lots of water it gives you a nice glow!

Gorgeous daily? But that's what you already are!

Apr 11, 2013

Brittany R.

If you are looking to add something extra to your routine, I would just go for bold lashes, a light flush of color on the cheeks, and a neutral gloss. Honestly though, you don't need any tips, you are gorgeous already!

Apr 11, 2013

Maruby M.

Your already gorgeous ;)

Apr 12, 2013

Natalie C.

You're already so gorgeous:) but if you want tips, I'd say drink water, remove makeup at night, that kind of stuff.

Apr 12, 2013

Eleanor W.

Your so pretty you don't need nothing x