I Need To Fix My Skin.


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Apr 11, 2013

Lauren O.

I have combination skin. It can be oily, dry and sensitive. I go through phases of loads of spots. But at the moment my skin is ok.

The problem is, I have a black heads which I really need to get rid of.. and white bumps under my skin. Theyre spots and you don't see them unles I make a stupid face and I point at them, but still.

I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas of what I could do?

I wear make up most days, sad to say I'm one of those girls that won't leave the house without it.
And I seriously need to drink more water..

cheers x

Apr 12, 2013

Foziia K.

For black heads try the neutrogena face wash for black heads. And for the spots concealer!

Apr 12, 2013

Sarah N.

I have the same problem!..I'm allergic to the neutrogena face stuff tho..

Apr 12, 2013

Eightletters J.

How about trying the seaweed ionic clay mask from the body shop, it's to be used once a week..

Apr 12, 2013

Tianna G.

Try acnevir redness relief gel. I use it at night on my entire face and I have less black heads. If I don't use it I look like a teenager with acne all over my face. Make sure you wash all yohr make up off at night and use a toner after you wash your face. Aztec clay (google it) and apple cidar vinegar mask , use it once a week to really cleanse your pores.

Apr 12, 2013

Lauren O.

Thankyou for all tour help, I will be looking all these product up :)