Bumpy skin texture under eyes.


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Apr 12, 2013

Kelly M.

Hi everyone,
So this is what the skin looks like under my eyes. Eeek! It has a "chicken skin" texture (I'm not referring to keratosis pilaris, but chicken skin is a good way to describe its appearance). I can't think of anything lifestyle-wise that I've changed that could cause this. I eat healthily, I drink a lot of water, I moisturize under my eyes, and I've tried a number of eye creams made specifically to help with skin texture, and nothing seems to smooth out my skin. I'm not able to cover up my dark circles without the concealer making the bumpiness more noticeable (and I have tried many concealers). I'm only 23 and I feel like the skin texture under my eyes looks like that of someone at least a decade older than me. Does anyone else have this? Any ideas on what could be causing this or how to treat it?

Apr 12, 2013

Beth F.

Mine looks almost the same. Still don't know what causes it. Must be hereditary. Sorry girl :( wish I knew

Apr 12, 2013

Kelly M.

It's so frustrating isn't it?? It only started to look like that last year and it happened gradually. I'm stumped.

Apr 12, 2013

Becky H.

The could possibly be milia, which are completely natural and are just deposits under the skin. They will disappear naturally over time but others may appear. My advice it do not pick or squeeze as this will not help the situation and will lead to scarring or infection

Apr 12, 2013

Kelly M.

@Becky: I'm hoping it's not milia. I've done some research on it and seen quite a few photos and all the cases of milia I saw looked like large whiteheads whereas mine are just tiny little bumps of skin. I haven't dared pick at them (I think they're too small to even pick at!), but I'm pretty sure they're not filled with anything.

Apr 12, 2013

Megan G.

I have the same thing, I'm not sure what it is either! I don't think it's milia and I've had it since about puberty. I find being extremely gentle and using eye cream to moisturize helps a bit

I've gotten those under my eyes a couple of times... And it seemed to be because of stress, but mine went away with time (like 3-4 weeks) both times.

Apr 12, 2013

Kylie M.

I have same an unfortunatly 4 formed milia there quite similar I found I was usin harsh products as I diagnosed my skin type rong up until undr year ago. steamin an gentle massage has helped I use bio oil at nite on the bone around eye never closer cause if like me you have bags product makes puffiness worse as eye skin so thin.it will absorb what it needs from the moisturiser on the bone around eye.hope this helps

Apr 12, 2013

Bella S.

İ have the same but I dnt think they will ever disappear. ( I resesrched and ask consultants too)