Pray for Boston (read please)


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Apr 20, 2013

Rafiat A.

Didnt hear that the government passed CISPA. But you know what? I don't care. It kills me when people get all crazy when they talk about the govt monitoring them. I like it. what are you trying to hid. you think they care about you downloading free music or what porno your brother watches? they are just trying to keep us safe. btw I am all for the right to bear arms, you need to protect your familes in this crazy society but I do think we need to have waiting periods and backgrounds checks because way too many people with mental illnesses and felony convictions getting their hands on these weapons. think about the last couple of mass shooting in America they either we mentally ill or had felony convictions.

Apr 20, 2013

Rosie W.

No offense, but if Americans still can't give up the right to bear arms it is no wonder that stuff like this happens over and over again.

Apr 20, 2013

Bobbiann K.

I have been when I was on Instagram they my friend texted me to watch the news as soon as I heard bombing my heart dropped its so sad how so people could have not self respect for them and others 😭😫

Apr 20, 2013

Caitlin M.

I agree with Rosie. You have to be willing to give a little to help stop things from happening sometimes. People act like their rights are being taken away as if the government's banging on their door and ripping their guns from their hands. Not so. And I wonder how many of these people actually own a gun. If you don't own one then why are you complaining, just because you can? I think we should be focusing on making our world safer so we don't feel the need to own guns to protect ourselves, and part of that may actually include restricting who gets to own a gun. I certainly agree that no one with mental illness or felony convictions needs to have a firearm. We need to be careful of who gets these weapons because it's very obvious that as of right now some are in the hands of people who can't handle it and that puts us all in danger.

Apr 20, 2013

Tegan W.

Personally I think the government is sneaky and no one will ever no the truth it might of been those two guys or the government might be hiding the truth I don't see the point in arguing about it because we will never no the exact truth.

Apr 21, 2013

Pip A.

Guns, drugs and the sneaky gov is bad mmmkay!