Seche Vite peeling


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Apr 23, 2013

Irka M.

I did my manicure like usual (base coat, color, design, top coat) and within four hours my nail color had all popped and peeled off! The only new thing I did was put Seche Vite on as a top coat. How can I keep this from happening again? Thanks in advanced!

Apr 23, 2013

Asha L.

Seche vite is very temperamental. You must apply it while your polish is still a bit tacky. And you must make sure the seche completely wraps around your polish. The best way to do this is to bring it down the tips of your nails, and make sure your colour doesn't go all the way down to the cuticles, leave a little tiny gap.
It's a pain to work with but when you get it right it's truly the best top coat!

Apr 24, 2013

Irka M.

Thanks will do!

Apr 28, 2013

Christy V.

I use seche vote and I love it. I usually don't apply any new coat of polish unless the bottom one is completely dry. I notice the polish peels and chips easily because I have layers over layers of undried polish. Also buff your nails before applying the bade coat. if you have any oil from your hands or lotion the nail polish doesn't seem to stick as well.

Apr 28, 2013

Christy V.

*seche vite