Rather Odd Question Here...


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Apr 24, 2013

Lucia J.

So this isnt your usual beauty question but.. I have belly fat that is annoying me. I'm not fat but I have this small belly. (Idk if that made any sense or if any understand..) point is, how do I flatten it without doing those useless diets?

Apr 24, 2013

Ty R.


Apr 24, 2013

Morgan B.

Diet is a huge part but cardio is what burns the fat! Try doing some cardio weekly along with some toning (Pilates) and you'll have a flat stomach in no time :)

Apr 24, 2013

Kristina R.

Weight training would be great for toning up. Also, you can go to bodybuilding.com and it has a ton of exercises for all parts of your body that you don't need equipment for n.

Apr 24, 2013

Lucia J.


Apr 24, 2013

Vanessa T.

Nutrition is 70-80 weight loss. There is a great saying! Abs are made in the kitchen. While you should work on your posture and create a very tight core. We cannot spot reduce fat so a healthy eating plan would be excellent for what you want to see :)

Apr 24, 2013

Alycia K.

Hydrodynamic cut works for me but I like the gummys.

Apr 24, 2013

Lizzy M.

Pilates, P90X, cardio like running or cycling, and a clean, healthy diet.

Apr 24, 2013

Justina C.

You should look up blogilates on youtube I'm sure she has some workouts you could do :)

Apr 24, 2013

Amber K.

I agree with Morgan B. Pilates worked wonders for my mum! She was determined to go down two sizes, and she looks fantastic now. Just by doing pilates/ball exercises every day.

Apr 24, 2013

Roz X.

Hanging knee raises..crunches..lay off dairy...sugar and watch your carbs. Pilates is so great.

Apr 25, 2013

Britney H.

Drink lots of water, eat healthy, strength training and cardio. I do yoga as a cool down after a workout. Its a slow process.. I'm on the middle of learning that!

Apr 28, 2013

Lucia J.
