Should I get bangs?


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Apr 22, 2013

Sarah B.

I've been considering getting some bangs for awhile! Also, should I dye my hair darker?

Apr 22, 2013

Haley H.

No I love your hair keep it like it is!! (:

Apr 22, 2013

Faith M.

Yeah you could totally rock bangs!!

Apr 22, 2013

Haley H.

If you do get bangs though, you should try long side swept ones. but other than that don't change it. lol

Apr 22, 2013

Krystal C.

Try it, due to the fact hair grows back, and that it wouldnt serve a greater purpose to keep your hair the same for a few more, changing your look is more enjoyable and opens your horizons to new things. your color is beautiful as well. but try the cur before you change the color because you might not like a certain cut with a certain color.

I've had a LONG hair for all my life. But for 3years I've had a bob, then a low cut (low as a boy) and now a normal short cut of which is growin back) when I had long hair, I was SO attached to it. To even try a bang was crazy to me. But once I did it, I cut it myself, I was so happy. lol so when it came to gettin the bob!! I madebthe decision and kinda froze my brain right there because I would have talked myself out of it. so do it. Is my opinion. It takes time to get use to but you will get use to it as you get use to anything. ( :

Hope I helped.

Apr 22, 2013

Krystal C.

few more years*

Apr 22, 2013

Rosa A.

No. You look great the way you are.

Apr 22, 2013

Julie P.

No you have a pretty face shape I'd show it off.

Apr 22, 2013

Monica R.

No your beautiful

Apr 22, 2013

Rachel C.

Jealous of your hair!!