What Works?? Asap


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Apr 16, 2013

Kaylin A.

So, what would work for discoloration in the skinl. I want to even out my skin tone. What body scrup diy would definitely work??

Apr 16, 2013

Nicole S.

Just use something with lemon as far as a DIY scrub or treatment.. It will lighten up the darker areas and ultimately result in a more even tone :)

Apr 16, 2013

Robyn S.

Hmm I'm not sure if a scrub would help, but you can definitely get some tone-correcting primers. If redness is the problem, go for a green primer, if you have dark purple circles under eyes, go for an apricot. To correct a too-yellow tone, find a good lilac. Smashbox makes awesome tinted primers, but there are cheaper versions all over. Victoria's Secret makes some that are a bit cheaper, and elf makes a powder palette of various shades for super cheap. Hope this helped!