Is It Better To Let Your Head Stay Sweaty And Gross After Sports Or Wash Your Hair When You Shower?


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Apr 9, 2013

Sally H.

I have practice everyday after school and I am always like soaked in sweat and my hair is more than damp. I've heard your not supposed to wash hair everyday but in my situation isn't it better to wash it when I take my usual after-practice shower than shower anyway an not wash it? That sounds so gross to me. :| your opinions?

Apr 9, 2013

Megan B.

Definitely wash your body and hair after working out! Just skip washing everyday if you have some days where you don't practice :)

Apr 9, 2013

Sally H.

Ok thanks! That's what I usually do because ugh I feel so gross and dirty when my hair is gross and I don't wash it. Lol!

Apr 9, 2013

Keana G.

You could also try hair sprays or just rinse out the sweat with water but don't shampoo every time

Apr 9, 2013

Taylor A.

Take showers! staying in your sweat can cause some pretty nasty diseases.

Apr 9, 2013

Sally H.

Ok but I think I will still wash my hair everyday when it's sweaty. What is the harm in that?

Apr 9, 2013

Ever C.

Yes because your skin will feel dirty, oily. I did that and my entire body felt gross just cause of my hair :(

Apr 9, 2013

Taylor G.

I don't when I work out sorry in gross lol. I wash my face & body but not my hair because I don't wanna have to straighten it again.

Apr 9, 2013

Manal M.


Apr 9, 2013

Megan M.

Shower everyday but wash your hair every other day. This way you can still be clean but your hair won't have to suffer for it! That's what I do since I work out occasionally =] if I work out the day I shower and wash my hair I just shower the next day and don't wash my hair but make sure to rinse my head still!

Apr 9, 2013

Lizzy M.

I have dance everyday (and yes we sweat like crazy!). Shower after the practice, just rinse your hair and massage your scalp as if you were lathering shampoo. Once it dries, use dry shampoo if you need it, and then tease your hair a little to give some volume.
This should give you an extra day or two. Because I trained my hair, I can get away with only washing it once or twice a week, and it never feels gross or greasy.

Apr 9, 2013

Zoe O.

You could try a dry shampoo

Apr 9, 2013

Angharad N.

Yeah I agree with Zoe use a dry shampoo.

Apr 9, 2013

Aly A.

Lizzy knows what's up! Lol.