Gross Yellow Nails!


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Apr 19, 2013

Devin M.

Okay, so I just recently bought this nail polish by Sinful Colors. I have a bunch of other nail polishes by them but I used the new one and when I went to take it off, my nails were yellow! Has this happened to anyone else?! And what can I use to remove the yellow? I've heard that your nails can gradually turn yellow if you paint your nails a lot, but this was an immediate color change! I could use all the help I can get! Thank you😊

Apr 19, 2013

Destinee D.

I've heard soaking them in warm water with a little bit of lemon juice works. Also to avoid that next time use a base coat! It's just the color staining your nail(:

Apr 19, 2013

Olivia D.

I've heard you can use toothpaste on your nails, but I don't know.

Apr 19, 2013

Sarah M.

It's from cheap nail polish or wearing it too much

Apr 19, 2013

Sarah M.

It will eventually wear ofd.

Apr 19, 2013

Amanda N.

It will fade but use base coat next time!

Apr 19, 2013

Devin M.

I don't know if this is a stupid question or not so bear with me. If I don't currently have a base coat, can I just use a top coat as a base coat until I get one?

Apr 19, 2013

Mary T.

Honestly, do that nail filing thing where it's like clean, condition, buffer with those things that look like nail filers, you know? Same thing happened to me, and after I did that, you could even tell I ever had nail polish on. In fact, they looked ever BETTER than before :)

Apr 19, 2013

Mary T.

And yes, you can use a too coat as a base coat if that's all you have :)

Apr 19, 2013

Destinee D.

I wouldn't use a top coat as a base coat. A base coat is sticker and made to help your polish adhere. A top coat is just to lock in the color and add shine. The base coat is what actually protects and strengthens your nail and you shouldn't skip that step!(:

Apr 19, 2013

Devin M.

Thanks everyone!

Apr 19, 2013

Sara M.

Use whitening toothpaste and scrub your nails with it using a toothbrush.

Apr 19, 2013

Lara C.

You need a base coat. but you can soak in some water with baking soda and since its quite yellow add some lemon.

Apr 19, 2013

Hayley L.

Use something like a base coat or white polish underneath, it has nothing to do with cheapness of the polish.

Apr 19, 2013

Christina D.

You need to apply a bass coat before applying the nail polish. You want stain your nails that way.

Apr 19, 2013

Christina D.

Base coat*

Apr 19, 2013

A k.

Its mostly from dark nail polish or chemical put a light color on for a few days or not wear any nail polish and it will go away it has happen to me all the time.

Apr 19, 2013

Larissa G.

Try to file the top surface of your nail with a buffer... it should take the yellow right off(:

Apr 19, 2013

Alessia G.

There are some base coats for this problem!

Apr 19, 2013

Emily W.

I use acetone to take off my polishes and now I never have any staining. I don't use a base coat either, but I change my manicure every couple days anyway. Acetone will remove the stains, but be sure to moisturize afterward.

Apr 19, 2013

Livi M.

Top coat CAN be used as a base, so don't worry. But white vinegar, and time will remove the color.

Apr 20, 2013

Ty R.

Lemon juice!

Apr 21, 2013

Suheera K.

This definitely. happened to me! was the polish called innocent that lime green color? mine werent as yellow but had a tint I just let them be and they went away after a week or so.

Apr 22, 2013

Devin M.

Suheerq K. Omg yes!! Haha that's funny