Antioxidant DIY Face Mask :)


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Apr 18, 2013

Mariam L.

Hi beauties, I have another face mask to share with you. It's very simple to make & only contains 3 fresh ingredients.
-1 medium size, ripe tomato
-3 Sprigs of fresh Parsley
-1 Tsp of Fresh Rosemary
Wash all the ingredients under cold water. Pat dry.
In a pestle or food processor blend the ingredients until it looks like a medium thick paste. Leave the mask on for 20-30mins then rinse with luke warm water & pat dry.

Tomato: Rich in natural antioxidants like vitamin C and lycopene, which helps to neutralise free radicals and promote healthy, new skin cells. Its natural astringent and clarifying properties make it a good age-defying ingredient for people with oily, acne-prone skin.

Parsley: Soothes and calms the skin while neutralising free radicals.

Rosemary: Also called "the miracle herb that restores youth", rosemary is rich in antioxidants that neutralise free radicals and help to keep your skin soft and beautiful.

Hope you guys like it. Let me know how it works for you guys. xo

Apr 18, 2013

Eileen A.

Thanks for another great post Mariam! I tried something similar to this with the addition of lemon. My skin felt so refreshed! My dog kept trying to lick the mask off! lol ;)))

Apr 18, 2013

Shelley W.

My dog would have a field day with this This is a good one girl. Thanks for posting. ;)

Apr 19, 2013

Mariam L.

LOL you guys are hilarious! I love it! Anytime loves:)