Fake Eyelashes with or without make up?


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Aug 9, 2013

Mani M.

Hey girls, I'm planning on putting fake eyelashes.. I've worn fakies like twice (definitely no expert on them) and I was wondering if it was better to put them and then do my make up or do my make up first. Also is there a way to prep the eyes for them like putting cream first on the eyelids or a clear eyeshadow or anything? lol as you can tell I'm pretty clueless on them. Thanks for any help you can offer in advance!

Aug 9, 2013

Natasha L.

Do your eyeshadow first and then your falsies. to prep, apply some black liquid eyeliner.

Aug 9, 2013

Taylor B.

I do mine last but before liner. And I wrap them around one of my shadow brushes so they shape to my eye and the corners don't pop up

Always do your makeup first!

Aug 9, 2013

Mani M.

Thank you girls!!

Aug 9, 2013

Kristy G.

Taylor B.- I love your tip of wrapping them around a brush! I'm trying that next time I wear mine.