Forehead acne that never seems to go away? Help..?


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Aug 21, 2013

Tammy N.

Hey I'm a teenager. I have these little bumps on my forehead through out the year that don't seem to go away and occasional breakouts. Tips?

Aug 21, 2013

Oriana P.

I have / had the same problem! I recently started using the Ance Free Cleansing Brush. I picked it up from Target for $15. I've been looking for a dupe that works similar to the Clarisonic & Olay brush, but I wanted a cheap one! This product works as well as a $200 one. It really is amazing!! It cleans deep into pores, and I've noticed my skin is softer, glowing and I have half the bumps and barely any black heads!! I've also only used This product 3 times. I have dry sensitive skin, so I've been using it once or twice a week, and I've noticed a dramatic difference. Also, you'll need a foaming cleanser while using this brush, and I recommend investing in a toner for after using the brush. Another tip, don't use an exfoliating product with the brush, its exfoliating enough. I hope I helped, and good luck!

Aug 21, 2013

Tammy N.

Here's a pic.

Aug 21, 2013

Tammy N.

Thanks Oriana! You helped a lot :)

Aug 21, 2013

Oriana P.

That's exactly what I had. >.< they are zits under the skin, they aren't like common whitehead. I recommend the cleansing brush(_.

Aug 21, 2013

Oriana P.

Aww! No problem hon(: :*

Aug 21, 2013

Tammy N.

Any homemade remedies that would help too??

Aug 21, 2013

Oriana P.

Sure! I'll look some up for you(:

1. Half of cucumber
2. Two tablespoons of oat
3. The juice of half of lemon
4. One tablespoon of honey


Put the cucumber, cut into pieces in the blender. Add the oat flakes, the juice of half a lemon and honey. Blend until ingredients are integrated with each other, resulting in a homogeneous mask.

Apply this beauty makeup in areas most affected by acne. Massage gently to exfoliate and then leave for 15 -20 minutes before removing the mask with cold water.

This mask works well against acne, performing various functions. On one side is astringent and avoids the formation of fat on the face. It also helps to eliminate the layers of dead skin cells. Moreover, it is perfect to nourish and soften the skin, two of the fundamental characteristics of honey and oats.

We must, however, be careful not to use it before sun exposure, given the presence of the lemon. The contact between sun light and treated skin from the lemon can cause spots on the skin. Therefore, it is best to use it at night.

To get more free homemade face mask recipes, you can subscribe to our feed to get further updates and don't miss any information.

Aug 21, 2013

Oriana P.

Sorry for it being so long. -.- I copied and pasted (:

Aug 21, 2013

Tammy N.

Thank you so much!!

Aug 21, 2013

Oriana P.

These may or may not help with the bumps, it all really depends on your skin type(:

Aug 21, 2013

Oriana P.

No problem!! One more(:
- 1 ripe banana
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Peel the banana and squeeze it with the help of a fork in a bowl.
The ripe banana is soggy, so it will be an easy and fast.
Add honey and lemon in the doses indicated.

How to use homemade banana face mask
Spread the mixture on your face, carefully avoiding the area around the eyes and lips (the presence of lemon might get you burning in those areas so sensitive).

Hold on for 15 minutes before rinsing.
Remove the mixture with warm water and do the final rinse with cold water.

That's it. Easy and fast homemade face mask that you can do at your home.

Aug 21, 2013

Oriana P.

Good Luck. (:

Aug 21, 2013

Caitlin T.

I have them too, but to be honest, I try not to do much to them or worry about them, because they are there for a reason and everyone else gets them so just be your natural self.

Aug 21, 2013

Carliza B.

Also if you have bangs or put your hair in front of your face a lot..that could be the reason why you have acne on your forehead