I want to hear about your favorites.


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Aug 12, 2013

Hannah B.

Here's your chance to gloat!
1) Top three favorite makeup products
2) Why they are your favorites
3) How you use them
4) Picture!

Aug 12, 2013

Hannah B.

I love your lashes! They are just ao natural and pretty!!

Aug 13, 2013

Destiny B.

1.)L.A colours perfect curve mascara
2.)colour whisperer lipstick
3.)garnier bb creme

I had to think about this one, basically if I had to choose only three makeup products to use in my entire life these would be it

1) Micabella powdered foundation! It's pricy but worth it I have about 10 backups hahahaha, when I'm on a rush I just buff it on and I'm done, it's super high coverage and it leaves a natural finish unlike most powders! When I'm having a few trouble spots I dab some powder on them with a concealer brush and it works wonders! It's like 90 bucks though which is kind of a downer
2) My BH Cosmetics 2nd edition pallete! Super pigmented and has almost every color you can imagine <3 With a variety of
Matte and shimmers
3) my OCC lip tar pro kit! It's basically a bunch of lip tars in a variety of colors, I have the second one! The lip tars in general are amazing, they're fully customizable, last forever and stay on your lips through anything