What Vitamins Do You Take And Why?


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Aug 12, 2013

Ms M.

What vitamins are you ladies takong and have you noticed any benefits.

Aug 12, 2013

Ms M.

I have been using a multivitamin but its making my skin congested I feel slugish and have seen no benefit to my skin hair or nails.

Aug 12, 2013

Sherry H.

I take biotin for skin hair and nails. my nails and hair is growing pretty fast but biotin has made my skin break out.

Aug 12, 2013

Stacy A.

Prenatal vitamins...because I'm pregnant lol.

Aug 12, 2013

Diana S.

Prenatal vitamins because I want my hair to grow longer!(:

Aug 12, 2013

Noelia G.

One day supplements for energy and heathy life style

Aug 12, 2013

Katrina D.

Multivitamins aren't necessarily good for you because you can be getting too much of certain vitamins that you don't even need which, in the end, will cause you unwanted problems.

Aug 12, 2013

Antwanet W.

I take biotin for hair and nails to grow faster.

Aug 12, 2013

Devyani G.

Vitamin E everyday.My dermatologist prescribed me for acne skin.But I have noticed my hair growing longer!!

Aug 12, 2013

Mary R.


Aug 12, 2013

Claire D.

Women's one a day vitamin thing high in protein cuz I'm vegetarian:)

Aug 12, 2013

Ms M.

@stacy @diana I have taken pre natal multivitamins as I have a one year old and nothing I felt or noticed different. I have also tried black mores and natures way. @katrina I totally agree with you I don't think a multivitamin is good for me because I'm getting to much or not enough even though I eat well. I have seen the biotin and wondered if it actually makes a difference my hair is long and quite healthy along with my nails its just my skin gets congested I have heard rose hip oil is good to take and fish oil for dewy skin?

Aug 12, 2013

Ms M.

@stacy @diana I was taking a prenatal vitamin my son is one I felt and seen no difference. @katrina I think that your completely right I am getting to much or to less of something and I need some suggestions of good vitamins with proven outcomes for healthy skin and better wellbeing. I have seen the biotin and I have great hair and nails so don't want to tamper with I just want something for skin that won't cause congestion I've heard rose hip oil is great and fish oil? @claire go girl there's heaps of protein vegies out there to though don't forget x

Aug 12, 2013

Shannon R.

I use parental vitamins in my hair so itll grow.

Aug 12, 2013

Stacy A.

That's odd. My hair is getting longer and thicker, and my nails are growing stronger quick.

Aug 12, 2013

Lara W.

I take teen 1aday vitamin, which gives me my iron, biotin, and all the other vitamins I need like that. I take probiotics because I was sick in december, tore mystomach lining up, and immediately started eating spicy foods (not a smart move.) Lol. I take a multienzyme vitamin pill thing too. Also I tend to take a pain killer on a day to day basis though its terrible for me, I take it to help with back pain and migraines, also swelling in my right hip. I might not need all this stuff now, but I'd rather get a head start on taking care of my body.

Aug 12, 2013

Hunter S.


Aug 12, 2013

Ms M.

Thanks for the ideas ladys Ill give biotin a shot I'm going to try to some rose hip oil tablets too ill let you know how it goes.

Aug 12, 2013

Ms M.

@stacy when I was taking elevit during pregnancy I felt no different because I was pregnant so worse realy lol and my skin got hyper pigmentation so I can't say it worked after I started usinh nutri medicine natal complete multi and I am pretty adament it makes my skin worse..

Aug 12, 2013

Noelle C.

Biotin, Vitamin E, and a good multivitamin all assist in good health and of course, hair grow and strength lol.

Aug 12, 2013

Jennifer Z.

Vitamin D (my doctor told me to after a blood panel)

Aug 12, 2013

Ms M.

@jennifer what is a blood panel will that tell me what I'm lacking?

Aug 12, 2013

Dorthe K.

When I was pregnant I took prenatal vitamins and my nails and hair were really strong and healthy. I'm thinking about taking it up again ;)

Aug 12, 2013

Dee-Ann B.

Ok this is going to be a long list..
Magnesium (for muscle cramps)
Calcium (I'm lactose intolerant)
Vitamin D ( I don't go out in the sun)
Hair, skin & nails (obvious reason :))
Krill oil (joints)
Glucosamine (joints)
Iron (anaemic)
Immune booster (I work in pharmacy, lots of sick people haha)
Probiotic (good for ya!)
And when I'm feeling a little off I will have some vitamin C :)

Aug 12, 2013

Ms M.

@dee-ann wow I have a hard enough time remembering one I love the immune booster too just incase lol