Big pimples every month.


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Aug 19, 2013

Hannah S.

Ok so I get big pimples around when I start. I've tried ignoring them (but they don't go away, so in a few days I pop them. Then I like squeeze and squeeze and the oil won't stop coming out and I wake up the next morning with a scab on it and its still got a bump. I know this is gross but I seriously need help.

Aug 19, 2013

Mikayla B.

There might not be that much you can do. I always got pimples from hormones before my period /: just have to keep washing your face!

Aug 19, 2013

Maryam I.

I advice you to put some ice on it , this will make the pimple shrink and the inflammation will reduce.

Aug 19, 2013

Emily C.

Try using this spot treatment to get rid of the pimple.

Aug 20, 2013

Gina C.

That happens to me also, but I've learned to just deal with it. The last thing you want is to be left with an acne scar. Try your best at not touching and believe me, it'll heal int time rather than it getting uglier by popping it.