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Jul 24, 2012

Maddie Y.

I'm just getting my braces off today! When wearing lipstick make sure to not put gloss on top and to always remove extra because the makeup gets on your teeth so easily. Rock the color and have fun with your teeth correctors! :) 

Jul 26, 2012

Michie M.

I am super self conscious about my teeth and then I got braces. I smile without my teeth, but longer hair and braces I think look better. I feel better with braces, honestly. I love the fact that my teeth will be straight soon... ish :)

Good luck! 

Jul 26, 2012

Nicole A.

Hi :) I have clear braces so I feel they look better than the metal ones because no one notices them as much. As much as we feel pain and think that we are going to have a beautiful smile at the end of the braces jouney. 

Jul 26, 2012

Lili H.

That is true Nicole :D And Michie, me too! I'm gonna feel so much better with my braces and LOL i don't compare teeth with long or short hair so that doesnt matter cause everyone is beautiful with or without braces! Thanks girls!

Jul 28, 2012

Lili H.

Just wanna say thanks for all the advice and I got my braces today and I look great and smiling with all confidence C: I got compliments too so it looks like, confidence and happiness is KEY! Ciao <3

Jul 28, 2012

TheMani N.

Dont smile hard to much. It looks gross with braces. Just do a closed mouth smile and wear make up. 

Jul 28, 2012

Lili H.

Noooo way! I have been getting compliments all day for my smile AND I'm only wearing eyeliner! Like I said, Happiness is KEY! ;) And confidence!  

Aug 1, 2012

Michie M.

I got lots of compliments when I first got my braces. They didn't look as bad as I thought they would. So :P to you THEMANI.

Aug 1, 2012

Maddie Y.

Smiling looks awesome with braces! I think braces are really awesome actually, I sort of miss mine. :) keep them clean though and always remember to floss. 

Aug 1, 2012

Kristina S.

Maybe bright lipsticks wouldn't be the best idea! Lol just rock them no matter what!!! =) you're going to count down the days to get them off and then after awhile you'll miss them! Lol 

Aug 3, 2012

Maxime R.

Just nude colors, make your eyes pop;) xx

Aug 3, 2012

Alina W.

I have braces to,and when I pick out colors I usually have a reason or outfit that I pick those colors. Like when I first got mine it was summer, so I got them navy blue and aqua so they looked great with my swimsuit, which I would be wearing a lot since it was summer. Or right now I'm a cheerleader so I got our teams colors, orange and black. Or for Vaintines day I got red and pink.Try that. It could feel cool to have on red and blue on 4th of july. If nothing special is coming up, try to compliment your eyes or go with silver.

Aug 5, 2012

Shaneka G.

Here's me with a full face and I have braces. 

Racquel C.

Aug 6, 2012

Racquel C.

u look better with them in thrust me :)

Aug 6, 2012

Cheyenne S.

Braces aren't that bad I was super self conscious about my smile too then I got braces and even with them on I smile a lot! So my advice is just smile a lot and do your own thing! 

Feb 10, 2013

Lena Y.

Hi girls did you know you can have diferent colors on braces check it out in here

Feb 10, 2013

Kenzie G.

Why would you ever get a color of braces besides silver unless you are 12 or 13...I had braces for 6 years...people don't notice braces as much as you think yet d.

Feb 10, 2013

Kenzie G.

*they do.

Feb 10, 2013

Primrose S.

Me too I'm getting braces soon.

Feb 10, 2013

Allison W.

I had the translucent braces on top and some people didnt even realize I had braces. They cost a little more, but in my opinion its worth it. You only should get clear bands on top so they dont look like theyre floating. Lol. I got normal metal ones on bottom so thats when I could pick different colors I wanted. Good luck!

Feb 10, 2013

Catherine W.

If the braces are metal, don't get coloured bands on them. My footy team had just won the grand final when I put my braces on, and red and black bands made my teeth look all kinds of messed up, haha.
Stick to clear or white bands.
By the way, your self consciousness about your smile will disappear once your teeth start to straighten out. My teeth were so crooked before braces that I tried not to smile with my mouth open, ever. Once they started to become straight I was more confident, and now they've been taken off I smile all the time.
My only other recommendation is to steer clear of soda drinks, especially cola. It'll stain your teeth and the braces will leave white patches where the stain didn't reach once they're removed. :)

Feb 10, 2013

Ema D.

I plan to get some as an adult too soon. Don't feel self conscience about to just she the bigger picture; the outcome. Wear them proudly and when you have them removed never stop smiling. I'm happy for you. : )))(

Feb 10, 2013

Ema D.

I plan to get some as an adult too soon. Don't feel self conscience about to just she the bigger picture; the outcome. Wear them proudly and when you have them removed never stop smiling. I'm happy for you. : )))(

Feb 10, 2013

Ema D.

I think red lipstick will also only draw attention to the braces. Have you thought about drawing attention to your eyes or other facial features.

Feb 10, 2013

Erica H.

I just got my braces off and you get used to the way they look! I was actually pretty self conscious about not having them for a little while! (That didn't last long haha)