Vitamin C Serum?


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Aug 23, 2013

Danny C.

So I've been using Ole Heriksens Truth serum for awile now and I think it may be the cause of my skin peeling from time to time. or could it be because I'm layering it with other products? I'm going to finish the bottle but don't think ill repurchase. anyone had this problem w this product or can recommend another vitiamin c serum?

Aug 24, 2013

Danny C.

Thanks Velen! I'm going to look into this one

Aug 24, 2013

Traci L.

Some products make your cell turnover speed up I have used ole truth serum before it has orange extract in it an that speeds up your cell turn over an will cause a peeling and thats not a bad thing you just need to exfoliate the dry skin off

Aug 24, 2013

Danny C.

I was hoping you would see this Traci! I was surprised out of all the products I use that this would have done it. I've been exfoliating and I'm going to use it a little less often. thank you!

Aug 24, 2013

Traci L.

I don't no what else your using but if its other things that have aha or bha in them you might need to split them up like some one day some another day or the c serum in the morn an others at nite.

Aug 24, 2013

Danny C.

Traci I do use all of the above aha, bha and retin-a. I only use one of the exfoliants per day. after I'd put one of those on I'd put the truth serum then either the argan oil or cerave pm lotion that has hyaluronic,ceramides in it. I thought layering the serum wouldn't be an issue but eh I was wrong

Aug 24, 2013

Traci L.

Ahhhh you use everything I use lol ok the truth serum is a aha it is citric acid so if you put retin a then truth serum that 2 peeling agents use the truth serum in the day time alone then your cream

Aug 24, 2013

Traci L.

And spf everyyy dayyy please lol.

Aug 24, 2013

Traci L.

I layer products but I use only one thing that exfoliates at a time

Aug 24, 2013

Danny C.

Honestly I did not know that it was an exfoliant I never even thought about it really. ok that makes sense now! yes defiantly trying to get better about using sunscreen. trying to find one that dosent make me look like a grease ball has been a challenge! getting better at it though. thanks again this helped a lot!

Aug 24, 2013

Danny C.

Great minds think alike lol. anything else you think I should add to my line up here. the Aha I use is a 5% I also have a 14% I switch it up with 1 or 2 times a week. I usually use the bha about once a week them the retin-a in between.

Aug 24, 2013

Traci L.

Nope your golden just we have to find you a spf you like cause using all these products without sunscreen is a no no lol it will cause hyperpigmentation

Aug 24, 2013

Danny C.

I know just what I'm trying to get rid of...among other things lol.

Aug 24, 2013

Traci L.

Yes mamm lol

Aug 26, 2013

Mindy R.

Control Corrective has a Vitamin C serum that is freaking amazing. My skin is so much brighter when I use it, and I've never had a problem with irritation.