How to keep eyelashes from falling flat?


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Aug 15, 2013

Bri-bri L.

Have you tried wayerproof mascaras?

Aug 15, 2013

Bri-bri L.


Aug 15, 2013

Bay W.

Actually you may need a more powerful eyelash curler and try a full pressing with your eyelashes. Also different brands of mascara do different things for your eyelashes. A simple fast tip is; put powder on your bare eyelashes then apply your mascarra and lastly use your eyelash curler, just make sure you don't get the powder in your eyes.

Aug 15, 2013

Cristina A.

Heat up your eye lash curler with your blow dryer ' just so its warm not hot. then curl alittle bit at the lash line and at the tips of the lashes.