I have decided not to wear face makeup-I'm just focusing on my eyes. Eye tips for blue eyes?


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Aug 16, 2013

Sally H.

So I have pretty bad acne. Yes I wash my face, use astringent, everything I even tried proactive! Nothing worked. I've decided that I'd rather just not wear face makeup than to wear it and look like a made-up clown. I know I look bad when I don't cover it up, so I'd like people to focus more on my eyes. I have blue eyes, and not very good at eyeliner, and I don't want something too dramatic. Any ideas? Thanks!

Aug 16, 2013

Symone B.

Simple and cute

Aug 16, 2013

Symone B.

Natural peach tones would look nice with blue

Aug 16, 2013

Bri-bri L.

A pink lid colour and a brown crease well blended! Simple and cute! :)

Aug 16, 2013

Skyler P.

I know this isnt eye makeup related, but for your acne you could look at buying a clarisonic. its a little costly but works really well. just look at some on clarisonic.com I suggest the mia2.

Aug 16, 2013

Sally H.


Aug 16, 2013

Amanda G.

I have blue eyes and I'm also bad at eyeliner. But I take a sparkly silver eyeshadow and use a eyeliner brush and use that insead. It's really easy!

Aug 16, 2013

Sally H.

Thanks @Amanda! Would you happen to have a picture? If not don't worry. I was just wondering. Thanks!!

Aug 16, 2013

Sloane M.

Props to you for being able to go to school face makeup free! I could never do that!!
To make your blue eyes pop, I think you should use gold tones to bring out the little golden/yellow specks that most blue eyes have. You can do this with eyeshadow or you can get a gold liner from Sephora and put it in your inner corner and they will really pop.

Aug 16, 2013

Lilly A.

Don't wear blue eye shadow, it doesn't look very good.

Aug 16, 2013

Amanda G.

Sorry it's a really bad picture! @Sally.

Aug 16, 2013

Amanda G.


Aug 16, 2013

Amanda G.

I use this brush and the lightest color! It also looks good using white, or gold instead of silver. Plus I have glasses, so it makes them pop! @Sally.

Aug 16, 2013

Amanda G.


Aug 16, 2013

Amanda G.

It looks better with mascara! Trust me! I didn't have any on in the eye pictures

Aug 17, 2013

Kealey L.

I know it's not what you asked but I thought I'd try and help anyway...for your acne you should try aloe vera which is apparently good and if that doesn't work try roaccutane! Roaccutane is used to treat acne. Roaccutane works by suppressing the activity of sebaceous glands in the skin. It reduces the amount of oil produced by these glands. Roaccutane also reduces the size of the sebaceous glands and the inflammation that occurs with acne. Roaccutane is given to people when their previous treatments for acne have not been successful. Hope this helps x

Aug 17, 2013

Kealey L.

Btw I copy and pasted the last bit haha x

Aug 17, 2013

Sally H.

Thanks @Sloane! My eyes actually have grey flecks instead of gold. Do you think doing that with grey would have the same effect? Haha @Lilly I've unfortunately figured that haha *yikes*
@Amanda thanks so much! So does that stay on for a while? I'm just asking because I don't have much luck with eyeshadow haha. It looks really good on you though!! (I bet it does look better with mascara like you said) but still very helpful! Thanks @Kealey I have been using aloe Vera and I was wondering if this Roaccutane was expensive? It sounds good! Will it work for my acne? (The type that pimples swell up with puss) thanks for the help! @Skyler I don't think I will be able to use the clarisonic but thanks anyway!! And thanks a bunch @Symone and @Bri-bri :D

Golds, and other blues will bring it out! In skin care I wrote a whole post on acne care and finding out what kind you have it's called Dealing With Acne I believe hahahah go find it I'm sure it'll help! An absolute over night miracle worker for my is the Grease lighting spot treatment by lush I pat it thick all over my face after cleansing and toning and my skin looks 10 x better minutes later! Then I just add moisturizer and I'm done! It's honestly amazing and inexpensive

Aug 17, 2013

Amanda G.

It lasts all day for me! Just apply a primer or concealer to your eyelid :) I usually just do the left over concealer from under my eye and it works great! :) @Sally.

Aug 17, 2013

Sally H.

Thanks @Britanny! I read the article and it did help a lot. I was wondering where I could find the treatment you talked about? Thanks so much

@Amanda thanks a lot too, I think I might try that tomorrow! Thanks again!

Aug 17, 2013

Sally H.

I have this.. Would it look ok?

Aug 17, 2013

Kealey L.

Sally I'm not too sure about the price but its REALLY good. My aunty had really bad acne and she then went on roaccutane and now has no acne and it hasn't left any scarring :)

Aug 17, 2013

Amanda G.

Yep! @Sally

Aug 17, 2013

Sally H.

Thanks @Kealey I will have to look into it! Yay!!

And thanks @Amanda you have been VERY helpful :D