Bad Hair Color Choice.


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Aug 16, 2013

Elizabeth H.

Ask for a natural look to your highlights. Ask them mixes throughout your hair, not the chunky 90s type highlights. And don't go too many shade lighter than your base color, so it will look more natural.

Aug 16, 2013

Katelyn C.

I think the back of it looks good. but it does look a little sreaky. they should fix it for free.

Aug 16, 2013

Kelly I.

I'd go back because if you wait a week she probably won't fix it.

Aug 16, 2013

Danielle B.

Uh, as a hairdresser I would not fix it for free. In the pictures you posted of what you wanted the women have BROWN hair. Not black. If you went in there and showed her that and asked for blonde highlights, she did what you asked. The woman in the first picture has brown hair with highlights in the top layers. You didn't ask her to make it brown, you asked for blonde highlights like in that picture. You got what you asked for. It is not the stylist's fault you failed to communicate with her properly. You can not get brown out of black unless you lighten it. Which definitely will cost you more. And it won't go to the bottom because you have layers and showed her a picture with highlights only in the top.

Aug 16, 2013

Kayla C.

Your right , we didn't have good communication , on her end! I wanted LIGHT BROWN highlights and low lights of natural mixed shades of browns, she on her OWN terms took into her own wants and decided to bleach my hair. I clearly asked her for LIGHT BROWN highlights, does this look like light brown? I don't think so. I didn't want to completely get rid of my black hair, I wanted to add different shades to it, JUST LIKE THE PICTURE. The picture shows very very dark brown, what mine has faded into, and other browns , yes, I wanted them on my top layer like the picture , a peek-a-boo type look, which clearly she sucks at doing , no I didn't have layers before, I asked her to trim my hair and this is what I got. Therefore SHE DIDN't LISTEN TO ME PROPERLY. Ignorance people like you piss me off.

Aug 16, 2013

Mickie S.

Ya I'd go back. Too ashy like most are saying. Needs to be more carmel/warm.

Aug 16, 2013

Hana A.

I'd get it fixed,.black and blonde don't really look good if the highlights are so close to one another.

Aug 16, 2013

Ness U.

Ahh just go back n ask them to tone ittt.

Aug 16, 2013

Lien P.

just redo it

Aug 16, 2013

annie M.

It doesn't look good to me, sorry.

Aug 16, 2013

Maxime M.

It would probably had been better if you told your hairdresser right away that you didn't like it.. But if you really hate it you should go back and explain why you're unhappy with your hair and I think they will fix it for free. If not, I would never go back to that hairdresser and just find another one..

Aug 16, 2013

Ally J.

It looks good!

Aug 16, 2013

Lilly K.

Yeah black and blonde don't go we'll together... :( brown would b great instead of the black.

Aug 16, 2013

Taylor T.

They probably will fix it I have been going to the same hairdresser starting with my first haircut lol and at there place the main girl has workers tht do hair to so she wasn't in so I went to one of them and she was so nice but when I got home I felt like one side was longer than the other so I just went back to the main girl and she fixed it free but that was a long story lol...

Aug 16, 2013

Lilly K.

**well  Sorry

Aug 16, 2013

Kelly N.

Go back but try to be nice about it. I'm sure it'll be upsetting on both ends.

Aug 16, 2013

Cassidy B.

I've had this happen but only 10x worse I literally cried as I was driving home lol. Yours really doesn't look bad but maybe try getting some Carmel lowlights to help balance the contrast of the black and blonde.

Aug 16, 2013

Cassidy B.

And the bangs look great btw! :)

Aug 16, 2013

Cori T.

Just wait. Generally when you color your hair you hate it at first. Just wait a little while and see.

Aug 16, 2013

Alexandra D.

I think it looks really good.

Aug 16, 2013

Melissa B.

Oh honey you have to wait or be prepared to have exstreamly damaged hair.. :/ saying from experience good luck I think it looks great don't worry youll get use to it :)

Aug 16, 2013

Dayna A.

It's cute I like it

Aug 16, 2013

Alexandra S.

I think it looks quit nice it looks good I like it

Aug 16, 2013

Anna N.

That hair color on you is sooo pretty! (:

Aug 17, 2013

Danielle B.

Uh, I'm ignorant because you did not explain fully? You didn't say you asked for light brown highlights, you said you asked for highlights. Most people who ask for highlights want blonde. And your hair is dark, light brown or not it would have to be bleached. You never said she put layers in it when you didn't want them. You said it didn't go to the bottom, and I told you WHY it didn't go to the bottom. And that picture at the top is not "peek-a-boo", the top is highlighted and her hair is layered. Peek a boo is way different. Also, you CAN't do lowlights in BLACK hair. Nothing is darker than black. So please, tell me some more about how "ignorant" I am or you can stop being rude and tell me what salon you got it done at and I may be able to tell you if they'll fix it for free or not. Also, when you go back unless you are happy with the bangs - I'd bitch because to me they don't seem blended properly.