Fish Tale Braid Help.


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Aug 17, 2013

Brie O.

I need help I can't do it I fail every time any tips.

Aug 17, 2013

Madalyn B.

When I first learned how to fishtail braid, it really helped me to start with my hair in a low side ponytail, and then begin braiding. But make sure the ponytail is a little loose so you can slip it off when you've finished the braid. Hope this helped!  😊

Aug 17, 2013

Brie O.

Thanks it helped a Lil bit.

Aug 17, 2013

Angelica M.

Section your hair into two sections grap a stand of hair from from one side and join it with the other side continue those steps switching side I kno it's kinda confusing and hard but it takes practice you'll get it hop this help a little but at least.

Aug 17, 2013

Sydney N.

Maybe this would help.