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How often should you co-wash your hair?

Jun 18, 2012

Michele N.

Once a week.. I shampoo, once a month.... 

At the most once every other day. At least once a week. 

Jun 24, 2012

Denise F.

What is co wash ?

Jun 24, 2012

Latia C.

@Denise: Co-washing is washing your hair with a conditioner (usually moisturizing) to clean your scalp, but not strip the needed moisture out of your hair likw shampoo does.

@Djenaba: I personally co-wash as often as needed right now because I sweat in my hair. But normally, I try to co-wash AT LEAST once a week.

Thanks you guys. I just BC'd over a week ago and now I have a TWA and I wasn't sure if co-washing my hair everyday or every other day was too much

when i don't weave, i was cowashing every other day or every day in the summer. It's just conditioner! My hair loved it! If you are using a condiitioner with major silicones it can cause some build up, but my hair loved it no matter what conditioner I used. It's all about how much time you have to devote to your hair especially when it comes to drying, twisting, etc

Jun 24, 2012

Denise F.

@latia thanks ! I think i will try .. Thanks guys !