Hair dye stains help!


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Jul 29, 2013

Kelly M.

I got red and some black hair dye stains on my bathroom floor. Some have been there like 2 months. Help how do I get them off.

Jul 29, 2013

Kim B.

Aceton, which is in most nail polish removers :) a cheap and easy way to get them off, works for me all the time

Jul 29, 2013

Stephy V.

I feel your pain, girl! My bath tub used to look like someone was murdered in it! Haha I scrubbed it down with the Comet with Bleach cleaner, and it came off. Slowly but surely!

Jul 29, 2013

Laina B.

Rubbing alchohol

Jul 29, 2013

Natalie T.

The bathroom in my apartment looks like a crazy pink, purple, and blue explosion happened in it... since I don't own the place I have to make sure I get everything cleaned up. Usually Comet and warm water does the trick. If not, I just use baking soda mixed with warm water, until its a pastey consistency. I leave the comet or baking soda paste on the stains while I go clean some other stuff and then rinse the comet away with warm water or the paste away with white vinegar. It usually just comes out from letting those sit on the stains, but if they don't come off at first, just try scrubbing the area (with the comet or baking soda paste) instead of letting it sit on there. It may take a little work, but it usually does the job!

Jul 30, 2013

Dina U.

Be careful not to breath the mixtures in, they're all a little hazardous for you lungs but specially the baking soda and vinegar. when those mix they create a lot of carbon monoxide so make sure to have a window open and a fan going.