Wanting root volume


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Jul 27, 2013

Hannah L.

How do you get major volume at your roots? I've always wanted my hair with major volume near the roots then thinner at the bottom.

Jul 27, 2013

Annett S.

Go to your nearest walgreens store and ask the make up and frag. clerk your request ;)... and ask for their brands to save $$$$ ;). good luck

Jul 27, 2013

Danielle B.

Texturizing powder, they also make like certain hair sprays to give root volume.

Jul 27, 2013

Roz X.

Right on. Powder is the way to go. Got2B and Big Sexy are both great. Avoid getting it on the ends and apply to the scalp by parting sections of the hair..rubbing gently in with fingers... then tease slightly.

Jul 28, 2013

Cassie B.

Lots of conditioner can way your hair down! Hope it helps x