Most popular and least popular lip colors.


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Aug 5, 2013

Sarah C.

I have mostly pink lipsticks and lipglosses totaling 53. nude lip products came in second at 39, and reds came in last at only 29 red lipsticks and glosses. What color of lipsticks and lipglosses do you have the most and the least of?

Aug 5, 2013

Pamela F.

I have a lot of plums and deep reds.I have about 40 lipsticks and none are nude coral ornlight pink coz my lips are soooo dark I can't really wear them without concealer first ans it just looks silly.

Aug 5, 2013

Pamela F.

*or light...and. god my typing is betraying the time of night lol.

Aug 5, 2013

Sarah C.

That is cool I was hoping someone would say their most popular shade would be a bold dark color.

Aug 5, 2013

Pamela F.

Love darks.I'm so pale its rediculous so warm tones are weird on me.

Aug 5, 2013

Pamela F.

This is my fave one.its wine red 007 from rimmels matte kate moss collection.

Aug 5, 2013

Naomi S.

I'm all.about every shade of pink imaginable. 2nd is purples..

Aug 5, 2013

Naomi S.

Awwww. nice pic Pam.

Aug 5, 2013

Ealu T.

I'm all about the dark lippies. Favourites are MAC's Ruby Woo, Dark Side and Diva. I think I only own about 2 or 3 light pink shades. Being more on the darker side of the spectrum, I feel pinks look washed out and grey on me.

Aug 6, 2013

Mani M.

I love red lipsticks... favorite shade is cherry red.

Reds seem to be marginally edging out my nudes, I have more pinks than orange but I have more plums/raisins than either of those.

Aug 6, 2013

Natalie T.

I have tons and tons of dark plums & oxblood, next lots of reds, then bright pinks, then corals &oranges, and lastly nudes &neutral colors.

Aug 6, 2013

Naomi S.

@Jacqueline.. I know the brand but couldn't picture the pallet. omg!! I just googled it. its yummy!!.

Aug 6, 2013

Ciara H.

lol at Nichole

Aug 6, 2013

Nectaria D.

Wow Nichole that's a massive collection.

Yeah, I am at that level, but I am not at home so I don't have an actual count. I am glad you confessed first. (laughs)

Aug 6, 2013

Nehal K.

I love pink and coral lip colors the most...purple-plum colors come second followed by red and brown shades!! I don't own nude lipsticks unless they have a pink undertone...
40 pinks and corals
23 purples and plums
12 reds and brownish shades!

Aug 6, 2013

Candace V.

I had the most corals, I just live them and the least pink. Can't seem to find the perfect pink shade that suits me.

Aug 6, 2013

Candace V.

Have * love* damn auto correct! Lol.

Aug 6, 2013

Naomi S.

too funny Nichole.

Aug 6, 2013

Lorelle E.

I love nude lipsticks because they look good matte it glossy.