Makeup help please


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Aug 9, 2013

Varsha G.

Hey guys I am having a freshers' party in my university. The theme is 'mismatch'. Left side's look should not match wid right side's. Can you please suggest me sum makeup tips. Puh-lease.

Aug 9, 2013

Jareka B.

Well do a neutral look. but if your bold you can do makeup to match the theme of your party but I suggest only with your lips and eyeshadow.

Aug 9, 2013

Leslie M.

Well why don't you do a summer look whit mascara purple eye shadow black eyeliner and white in top and then for other eye do a high top that means get all the sark colors then one light color on the middle and ten dark colors around the white and all dark colors till you get to your eye brawl

Aug 9, 2013

Symone B.

I think a really unique look would to be to do makeup on only one side of your face. Pixiwoo has a vid of it on this and she even drew a line down her face. That's only if you're really really bold though

Half natural looking makeup the other half a bold smokey eye, contour, red lips, falsies..the whole deal! So it looks more dramatic. :)