Omg loreal hurts animals.


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Aug 5, 2013

Seylan E.

Girl please stop using loreal makeup the hurt animals and if you look it up you can and will see other brands.

Aug 5, 2013

Seylan E.


Aug 5, 2013

Natalie Y.

On the websites it says only with ingredients and rarely not just products. But L'Oreal might just try to cover up.

Aug 5, 2013

Antwanet W.

:'( this is so sad.

Aug 5, 2013

Seylan E.

But I know they really do it my BFF her dad works for loreal so she told me.

Aug 5, 2013

dndn S.

Aww , poor animals. I feel horrible :(..

Aug 5, 2013

Lauren M.

Look, I respect your stance to stick up for the animals (I currently went vegan and have adopted a cruelty-free lifestyle), but I think the pictures were a bit too much. Seriously, I just about threw up what little I ate today. You could have explained your stance and given information and linked to pictures (with a warning because not everyone cares to see poor, mutilated animals) so people could make a choice if they wanted to see those pictures. Just a heads up for future posts.

Aug 5, 2013

Seylan E.

Ok sorry I'm just putting it out there

Aug 5, 2013

Lauren M.

I understand, and I'm glad you're bringing awareness to the issue, but I'm just letting you know that those images may not be the best place to post on this website. Or at least if you do want to show people the injustice those animals face to at least link them and make people aware that they are disturbing images. Some people are very sensitive to things like that, and it's always better to be safe than sorry. I don't mean to come off as harsh or rude, I'm just trying to help you out for future reference is all. :)

Aug 5, 2013

Nina F.

Those pictures are really disturbing. things like animals being tortured like that make me sick, so next time please link it instead of posting it. but ill think twice before buying loreal now

Aug 5, 2013

Amilia S.

You guys are crying about animals getting tortured? how about the people in countries around the world, like China, North Korea, people in poverty and living in the slums in the Philippines. I've seen a 6 year old prostitute, ok. people who are in jail for 10 years waiting for their trial, and then once they get their sentence, they are but in jail for 10 more years. you'll throw up when you see their hurting and pain and when you hear their story, you'll cry.

Aug 5, 2013

Lauren M.


Aug 5, 2013

Karen F.

Wake up ladies, a lot of make up and skin care companies test on animals. Loreal is definitely not the only one!

Aug 5, 2013

Seylan E.

Ok ok guys you keep thinking about. Pics that are probely worse then the. Things you see so

Aug 5, 2013

Alayna S.

Aahh thats so sad:( Never ever going to buy Loreal.

Aug 5, 2013

Amilia S.

Oh. Amanda. I'm not married. I'm freaking 13.

Aug 5, 2013

Amilia S.

Just cuz I'm Asian, doesn't mean I get married when I'm 6...
I'm sorry, I have my styles, and so do you. I'm sure you found out that something's have child labor, animal abuse the products you're using. whew... sorry. actually, Mieke, I was aware of a few things, cuz I did a huge project on it last year... thanks for informing me Amanda. :)