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Valeen N.

Jun 18, 2012

Valeen N.

Okay I might be a little late and all, but I have never really been into the whole blogging thing. I thought I might jump on the train and start experiencing a bit with it. So I recently just made a blog page and I have been browsing through some of your guys'...and Jeez! mine looks horrible. Any tips on making my layout look more presentable?


Jun 18, 2012

Sherry W.

Hey Valeen, so glad I came across this, I saw that you followed me, I actually have a post on my blog here:

and if you want any additional help, maybe more specific, you can just shoot me a comment and I will get back to you! Better late then never. :) Btw, give me your link because I couldn't find it when I clicked your google account!

Valeen N.

Jun 18, 2012

Valeen N.

Hey Sherry! Thank you for the feedback, I will def. check yours out!


Jun 18, 2012

Paige N.

Sherry, how did you get those circles on the right side of your blog? The ones that go to "beauty" and "fashion" and all that? I love that look. 

Jun 18, 2012

Sherry W.

Hey Paige, I actually made those myself

Jun 19, 2012

Rachel B.

im new to blogging too! and i felt like i had the same issue. I find that a cute background helps a lot. Also, I really like wordpress (which i use) and blogger because they have a lot of different templates. if you have any more questions let me know and also id love your feedback on my blog. I'd love to do the same for yours

Valeen N.

Jun 19, 2012

Valeen N.

Hey Rachel I checked out your blog and its eye-catching! It is so chic and girly. Nice layout!

here is mine

Jun 19, 2012

Kendra F.

Finding the perfect layout is something that comes with time I think. I'm no makeup blogger, but I have had my blog for years and I have changed the layout so many times. You will feel comfortable when the blog design is appealing to YOU.

Jun 19, 2012

keri k.

I agree with Kendra, I'm not a beauty blogger either. My blog is about 8mths old and I have had 3 layout changes. I can't seem to find one that suits my theme and I had to spend quite a bit of time on photoshop to make my blog headers and stuff, takes time but eventually you'll find something that suits you.

Jun 20, 2012

Rachel B.

thank you valeen! also, i checked out yours and i love it!!!!!!!!! you are beautiful too. also, you should get a bloglovin account so people who dont have blogger (such as myself) can follow u! i have one and id love if you followed me and ill be sure to follow u back! its a great site :)

Valeen N.

Jun 20, 2012

Valeen N.

I will definitely sign up for it Rachel thank you for sweet comments xoxo!!

My biggest piece of advice would be getting the color scheme down, which I know sounds weird but that is how I organize my posts. Allow the colors from your pictures help you transition from post to post. For example, if your look contains a lot of pinks transition the next to red then orange, then yellow, green, blue...etc. That helps your blog visually.

That same concept should be applied throughout the layout as well. Again, I know it sounds silly but makes your blog look vert neat and organized. Good luck!
-Imani Love

Jun 22, 2012

Sandra R.

Me too i always had trouble
Fixing my page too! But i try.