Is this sluty


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Jul 31, 2013

Michelle H.

Recently a trusted adult said my ripped jeans look sluty allong with all the tank tops I wear. the rips show skin and the iside of my pocket can be seen through the rips. Do you think this is sluty and would you wear them.

Jul 31, 2013

Melissa C.

That is definitely not slutty! A lot of girls wear jeans like that. And tank tips aren't either, its summer wear whatever you want. Lol

Jul 31, 2013

Melissa C.


Jul 31, 2013

Courtney B.

Not slutty in my opinion. If you're worried about it, only wear non-revealing tips with them.

Jul 31, 2013

Courtney B.


Jul 31, 2013

Elsie A.

Its sluty if you wear no jeans at all. I personally love them and would wear them. Their a great fashion statement and they really arent too revealing. No worries love embrace those jeans! <3.

Jul 31, 2013

Kayla W.

I don't think they're slutty! I have a similar pair and so do a bunch of my friends :) maybe if you worry about that though you could pair it with a move conservative top maybe? But they are cute, I wouldn't worry about it :)

Jul 31, 2013

Jeanine F.

In what universe is that slutty? They're perfectly fine!

Jul 31, 2013

Jasmine W.

No.. there not slutty... lol.. you got nothing to worry about.

Jul 31, 2013

Bemnia L.

That's not sluty at all lots of people wear jeans like that.

Jul 31, 2013

Michelle H.

K thanks guess thats what I thought but every where I went an adult commented on them and several have asked my parents what they were thinking when they let me buy them.

Jul 31, 2013

Michelle H.

I will try wearing differnt tops I think that will help a lot.

Jul 31, 2013

Lily M.

Not slutty at all.

Jul 31, 2013

Nabila E.

It's not slutty, but in my opinion ripped jeans are tacky! You don't have to listen to me though, I just prefer a nice, super skinny pair of clean dark denim.

Jul 31, 2013

Skyler P.

I like them

Jul 31, 2013

Michelle H.

I love skinny jeans however I am not alowwed to wear or buy them according to my family they are "weird tacky nerdy"

Jul 31, 2013

Alden M.

I think it's a parent thing. My parents hate my ripped jeans. I have to but them myself if I want anything with holes in it. I don't think they're slutty, but there are a lot of holes. Maybe next time get some with a few up and down the leg.

Jul 31, 2013

Kayleigh H.

Those are super cute jeans and if you wore like a flat high black boot with it then the outfit would be complete!

Jul 31, 2013

Michelle H.

Ok alden I'm going shopping this weekend will do.

Jul 31, 2013

Nora G.

If you are doubting yourself you should probably think it over

Jul 31, 2013

Cami M.

Sweetheart thoes jeans aint slutty at all, they are cute like really really cute.

Jul 31, 2013

Haley B.

No lol their fashionable

Jul 31, 2013

Katherine T.

I wear them all the time lol.

Jul 31, 2013

Alyssa B.

Those are not slutty!! Everybody wears them but since adults are calling them slutty and it really concerns you about what they think maybe put some leggings under them or like panty hoes would work so it won't be as hot but their totally adorable!!

Jul 31, 2013

Lynzie B.

Lol no I have some... Dang I didn't know I was coming off sluty to some people...anyways you could always wear leggings under them.