Ways To Create Freckles?


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Aug 3, 2013

Karla V.

I know it sounds silly, but I've always wanted freckles haha! I've always thought they were super cute!! is there any way to create them? or at least create the illusion of freckles?

Aug 3, 2013

Lauren W.

You could maybe try a brown eyeliner pencil? Try looking for a freckle tutorial on YouTube as well :)

Aug 3, 2013

Bailey T.

Usually freckles happen from sun exposure. Or atleast thats how it is for my family.

Aug 3, 2013

Katherine T.

You can go outside for a while lol most people freckle a lot when they tan.

Aug 3, 2013

Mai O.

While cute, freckles=Sun damage and accelerated aging for the skin. you do t wanna "create" that. you'd be better off drawing them with a brow pencil.

Aug 3, 2013

Serena A.

Lay in the sun.

Aug 5, 2013

Karla V.

Thankyou all so much for the responses! I saw a cool tutorial in where the lady uses brown mascara and dabs it on randomly with her fingers :)