Bold Brow Yey Or Nay?!
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Aug 3, 2013
Mai O.
Yay for bold brows. but in this particular I don't know why but it looks too much... 80s.maybe because of the bold falsies+bold brows combo.
Aug 3, 2013
Sandy K.
I like bolder brows and you have beautiful lashes!
Aug 3, 2013
Ashlyn T.
It depends. Some ppl liik good wuth bold brows while others don as with thin ones.
Aug 3, 2013
Sarah H.
LOVE thick eyebrows. Super thin eyebrows just look awful in my opinion, but thick eyebrows are a usual attribute that comes along with classic beauties!
Aug 3, 2013
Bash H.
I like bold brows but I also like brows that compliment the eyes which bold brows tend to be overpowering at times. You look lovely though :)
Aug 3, 2013
Helen E.
Aug 3, 2013
Stephanie M.
They look natural. Natural is always better than drawn on or super-thin.
Aug 3, 2013
Mai O.
Oh seems like it's actually your real lashes! sorry thought they were falsies. oops. well lucky you, I wish mine were so long. but still with such bold brows I would go easier on mascara. and I still think the whole is a little too much.
Aug 3, 2013
Leah M.
I personally like thin eyebrows but as long as eyebrows are neat and clean Rock what you love.
Aug 3, 2013
Christen B.
Aug 3, 2013
Diana D.
Agree with Leah M. but maybe you should give it more shape in the arch, they kinda just look like rectangles...
Aug 4, 2013
Alexandra G.
I LOVE bold brows! 😍
Aug 4, 2013
Laura O.
I... love...big...BROWS and I cannot lie.
sorry seemed relevant :)