Dark Brown Hair with Pale Skin?


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Oct 8, 2013

Jessica B.

I have very pale skin, but I've always wanted to dye my hair a chestnut-dark brown colour. How do you think it'd look?

Oct 8, 2013

Diana J.

Honestly not sure, it may make you look even more pale. But it you want to do it so much try a warm shade (golden, copper, auburn, mocco etc)

Oct 8, 2013

Amber B.

It would definitely look good on you! you have really pretty eyes, btw :)

Oct 8, 2013

Diana J.

And also you have to dye your brows, but you can try a toner before using a permanent dye.

Oct 8, 2013

Alexus A.

Good but I would do like a medium golden brown

Oct 8, 2013

Heather H.

I have dark brown hair and fairly pale skin and bright blue eyes like you. I constantly get told that I look exotic and unique. With dark hair your skin will look even more pale especially in fall/winter but if you want to warm up your complexion NYC sunny bronzer always does the trick!

Oct 9, 2013

Stephanie S.

I thinks you would look good with dark brown hair. I have dark brown hair and very pale skin. And if you dye it and don't like it its ok thats the great thing about hair you can always change it.

Oct 9, 2013

Erin S.

I have incredibly pale skin and my hair is naturally dark brown and I like how I look :) I think it would look good on you too, but of course you just need to be sure to choose the perfect shade of dark brown that will work with your coloring specifically.

Oct 9, 2013

Shaye M.

I'm pale and my hair is now dark brown. I think it'll look good :)

Oct 9, 2013

Danielle B.

I am super pale, except in summer when I fake tan, and I have had my hair black for more than five years but in that time I have also had my bangs different colors. I honestly think the contrast between light and dark is gorgeous and I think the color you are talking about would look perfect on you.

Oct 9, 2013

Gina J.

All you have to do is make sure you choose the right tone of brunette. There is cool and warm to colors. Going from such a light color to a dark color I would go in and get it professionally done, and if you mention this to your stylist when you go to her/him, I'm sure they'd know what you mean by different tones and could help you choose between cool and warm. I have very pale skin also (look at my pictures), but I dyed my hair a very dark brown in a warmer color and I think it looks great. But you may have a different tone to your skin. Check that out before you do anything! Hope this helps ya some :)

Oct 9, 2013

Haley R.

It will look amazing. I am as pale as it gets and have blue eyes with a grey tint. I've had every color there is. Blonde washes me out and makes me look sick and dull.. Darker tones like dark auburn and chestnut brown always make me feel my best. They give me some warmth and color and you NEED constrast when you're pale like we are. All pale (skin and hair) washes us out and looks boring. Do it!!

And you don't have to dye your eye brows. All you have to do (if anything) is fill them with an eyebrow pencil.

Oct 9, 2013

Brianna O.

It would look great! I'm extremely pale, and I have dark brown hair. it gives you a "snow white" look. go for it.

Oct 9, 2013

Julie P.

Dooo it! Your eyes would pop!! Just remember to fill in your eyebrows if you do :)

Oct 9, 2013

Amy H.

I have pale skin and just dyed my hair dark brown almost black and it looks really good I think, it makes me look paller but I don't think that it really matters because its not that dull lifeless pale if you get me?