Tangly hair help??


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Oct 9, 2013

Anna F.

My hair is long, naturally wavy/curly, and tangles SOOO easily! It even tangles when I straighten it. Any suggestions on how to prevent tangles??

Oct 9, 2013

Veronica E.

I feel ya. Since I have a LLLOOTT of curly hair too, what I do is make sure that I brush my hair DAILY!! It's very important that you take care of your like that. Then you can take showers once in a while. Hope I helped! ;-)

Oct 9, 2013

Faith J.

I have straight long hair that gets tangled and After I wash my hair I use a hair syrum and that works

Oct 9, 2013

Olivia D.

I have very curly hair and I find it always tangles. So I always put my hair in a braid at night, and when I take it out in the morning, its so much easier to handle. Hope it helps

Oct 9, 2013

Meredith R.

Braid your hair it help and brush it at the bottom first and work your way up.