Does anybody know how long vice 2 is on sale?


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Oct 28, 2013

Alyx T.

I've been super interested in the vice 2 pallet from urban decay, especially since I missed out on the first one. The thing is, I'm incredibly broke right now and with Christmas coming up I don't know when I'll be able to spend the money on it.

I tried looking online and it doesn't say anywhere. Does anyone know? Or even just how long the vice 1 pallet was on sale for as a reference?

Oct 28, 2013

CPT- Lili R.

I think they are just out till its sold out but not sure

Oct 28, 2013

StacyAnn B.

Vice two is limited edition, so it'll be available as long as they have stock. Some places will have it longer, but there really isn't any telling exactly how long.

Oct 28, 2013

Naomi S.

Until its sold out.
I hope you get one!!. its avail so many places you can prob find it somewhere..

Oct 28, 2013

Alyx T.

I hope so. I'm so broke right now and will be until after Christmas. So I really hope they don't sell out!

Oct 28, 2013

CPT- Lili R.

@ lyxy don't stress it to much I thimk it will still be out till you have money, I was stressing the rebel palette by too faced worried it was going to be out of stock and this and that and I got it right away and months have passed buy and its still up =\ so much for my hurry lol.

Oct 28, 2013

Alyx T.

Lol yeah that'll probably happen. When vice 1 came out a friend of mine went to buy it a week later and the sephora closest to her was sold out. The other smaller sephora in our city had tons left though lol.

Oct 28, 2013

CPT- Lili R.

Lol... If you can save like five bucks here and there and you will get it sooner then you think >.<... I'm a start saving my money to get a few of my favorite things by too faced lol.

Oct 28, 2013

StacyAnn B.

Something I've started doing is the envelope system, so you put $7 every week in an envelope, and in 10 weeks you've got $70 set aside for vice 2 + tax. :) Less daunting and easier to budget.

Oct 28, 2013

Alyx T.

Lol yeah I have a really good savings system but I don't have a lot of shifts at my job right now so I'm definitely not saving much lol

Oct 28, 2013

CPT- Lili R.

Why don't you apply for a part time during the holiday seasons? And then screw it and keep going on yourregular job?

Oct 28, 2013

Danielle A.

My bf just bought me the vice 2 palette it's awesome I love it I don't know how long they will have it for some people got it when they had the urban decay sale going on $59 is expensive but so worth it all new colors nice brush and a big mirror any other q can ask me? Thanks:)

Oct 28, 2013

Danielle A.

When I heard about it called sephora said they had 3 or 4 left out it on hold for me just letting you know that

Oct 28, 2013

Naomi S.

Lyxy, most important thing you can do in life is save for you.. makeup, clothes, purses, all that stuff will b around.. I have the vice2. I really like it. but what I can tell you is I'm 30yrs old. I've done years of just working n saving. then I may go a lil crazy n buy stuff. then I go back into saving mode.. there's always something better coming.. next yr ther will b another pallet with awesome colors. treat yourself but always take care first.
I hope you get it. getting a holiday Job is a good idea. save a lil n buy the pallet.. win win.. ;-) good luck.

Oct 29, 2013

StacyAnn B.

I need to go into saving mode after this Sephora sale, at some point I'll have to get a new car, and I'd really prefer not to do payments. Maybe we need a savings club on Beautylish so we can help each other stay on track?

Oct 29, 2013

CPT- Lili R.

@stacy when is the sephora sale.

Oct 29, 2013

StacyAnn B.

Nov 7-11 if you're VIB/Rouge. If you haven't hit Vib, then you'll have to find someone to take you who got the coupon.

Oct 29, 2013

StacyAnn B.

@lili, I posted those photos you were asking about!  :-)

Oct 29, 2013

Alyx T.

Lol thank you all for answering. And yeah I definitely treat myself whenever I can, but my grandpa is in the hospital so I've been working as little as I can without losing my job and unfortunately working more is not an option right now. So savings are on hold for a while. Seems like everything I love/want goes on sale when I'm broke lol

Oct 29, 2013

CPT- Lili R.

@Stacy I'm like $20 away to become vib lol and thanks I'm going to check it out right this min lol.

Oct 29, 2013

Naomi S.

Oh no!. stay home with grandpa!.. I think we all assumed your hrs were cut. but if you cutting back for family reasons, stick with that!..

there are always little things you can do to treat yourself.. I'm saving right now cause me n my daughters bday is next month n of course there are always bills..
buy yourself a wet n wild pallet or a nyx pallet. I wanted the wet n wild pallet today but got some other stuff instead.. if was 4.99.

Oct 29, 2013

CPT- Lili R.

@Lyxy I'm so so sorry to hear about your grandpa an its understandable why you can't work more if I where in your shoes I would do the same thing... Where do you live Lyxy? Are you near or in california?

Oct 29, 2013

Naomi S.

I was loving this pallet. its nyx let them eat cake". its $9.99 but ulta had all nyx for 40% off..

Oct 29, 2013

Naomi S.

Grab a $2 gloss. or $2 elf pallet. UD vice 2 is a lot of money, esp of you have stuff going on. family first. there will.b another sale or deal. no sweat!

Oct 29, 2013

CPT- Lili R.

@stacyann I just wrote on the post of your pics of your palettes your collection is to die for lol.