Thin Hair


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Oct 18, 2012

Annie S.

I know this might sound weird, but is there any way to keep your hair thin? I have very thick hair & after I get it thinned at the hair salon is feels so great & so healthy, but then it starts to get thicker so quickly. Is there anything I can take or use so my hair can stay the way it was after the salon?

There are scissors out there for thinning. It's probably what your salon uses, and I actually bought mine from Ulta. The blades of the scissors are what differentiate it from the rest: one blade looks normal while the other blade looks like a very long and skinny comb. You have to cut directly across the section you want thinned out and then just pull the scissors down through your hair. Do that for several sections in your hair, and voila - you'll have thinned out layers! 

Oct 18, 2012

Annie S.

That is what my hair dresser uses, I'm just so nervous to do it myself. I'll try it though, thanks!

Oct 18, 2012

Nicole G.

I use to say that... I have quite thick hair. but I noticed once I get older ill be loosing hair to where it will be thin! so instead of wasting your time trying to maintain having thin hair, try to flaunt what you were given even if you do not like it now.... you'll soon [: