I hate my skin!


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Dec 8, 2013

Haley K.

Please help me! do you know any good ways to get rid of breakouts & keep your skin glowing? thank you!

Dec 8, 2013

Ashton H.

I ordered proactiv, and it's honestly a really good product. They give you free gifts with each order, and if you get big bottles they should last you months. I noticed results the first week. You have to keep up with it and treat your face morning and night. It only takes a few minutes. My breakouts aren't completely gone after a month, but they're pretty close to it. Sorry for the horrible quality.. It makes it look a lot worse than it is, but there's a VERY noticeable difference, it used to be absolutely horrific.

Dec 8, 2013

Ashton H.

I ordered proactiv, and it's honestly a really good product. They give you free gifts with each order, and if you get big bottles they should last you months. I noticed results the first week. You have to keep up with it and treat your face morning and night. It only takes a few minutes. My breakouts aren't completely gone after a month, but they're pretty close to it. Sorry for the horrible quality.. It makes it look a lot worse than it is, but there's a VERY noticeable difference, it used to be absolutely horrific.

Dec 9, 2013

Ashley T.

Proactiv has helped me too tremendously. I am not conpleteky cleared either but my make up looks so much better. I'm so happy with the results.

Dec 9, 2013

Lisa S.

Proactive did NOTHING for my sensitive skin. And they send you way to much every single month and its a pain in the ass to cancel the order. I highly recommend a Clarisonic, it is by far the best thing I have ever done for my skin. I've had it for almost two years now and my skin looked amazing after the first use! It is pricey but completely worth it. This is my skin routine for night (in the morning I just wash with cetaphil and then moisturize)-
1) I remove makeup with neutrogena wipes (blue pkg. but any makeup remover is fine)
2) I wash face with Cetaphil Facial Cleanser w/ warm water (make sure you use the Facial cleanser and not the Gentle Skin, they look alike, so make sure you grab the right one, cause the gentle breaks me out)
3) I pour a little bit of Avon's acne cleanser (not sure on the exact name but I order from their site and it last for about three-four months; but it is in the white and purple bottle, I did not like the orange and white acne cleanser for my skin, but you have to find what works for your skin) But I put that on my clarisonic and wash until it turns off (its like 1 min).
4) I then apply Cerave Moisturizing Lotion mixed with one drop of Vitamin E oil (I'll post a pic, but I found it at cvs and you can get it probably at any walgreens, target, etc. (I don't think the brand matters)

So that sound like it takes forever but it seriously takes probably 5 min tops for me. My skin is glowing since I started mixing with the vitamin e oil, but it might not work for you, you really just have to figure out what works best for your skin. I have dry sensitive skin if that helps, but my method is pretty generic... I have tried to minimize the chemicals in my skin (like clean and clear, clearasil, etc. all those drugstore brands) and have opted for more gentle brands with out all that stuff for acne and it has really helped. All that other stuff just dried out my skin and made it worse. I know this is weird but I have been putting hydrocortizone gel (I like it better than the creme) on blemishes as night and it really helps, it sounds weird but it helps. Also neosporine for popped pimples and putting a band aid on at night helps to. Hope I helped and just ask if you any more questions,
feel free to ask! Also check out Lush Cosmetics (you can buy online if you don't have a nearby store) but 'grease lightning' and their green tea toner is really good too!

Dec 9, 2013

Lisa S.

Here's the vitamin e oil.

Dec 9, 2013

Ana P.

Maybe the first step to get rid of breakouts it's embracing the fact that they exist. if you get so stressed about it your body its going to feel it and your going to get even worse acne. I have breakouts too and I treat them but when they gone wild I'm like "so what?"

Dec 9, 2013

Emily F.

I used to have horrible acne, mainly because I was too lazy to keep up my skincare routine. I stopped slacking off and now my skin is pretty clear!

Make sure you keep up your routine (cleanse, tone - toning is very important!, moisturise, etcetera) EVERY day! It may take some motivation (maybe you have a special occasion coming up in a few months), but eventually it'll be come a habit. Your face won't become instantly clear, but it takes a few weeks.

I've used Proactiv before, it's good, but pretty ordinary and nothing really special.

Also, try changing your pillowcase covering your pillow with a fresh towel every night for a week-fortnight. If you speak on your phone a lot, you should wipe down your phone with a damp cloth often.

Hope I helped (: