Android App For Pics


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Oct 16, 2012

Stacia J.

is there a android app to help the color pick up more? my phone camera is good but washes the color out

Oct 16, 2012

Kaysey L.

Does your phone have a front-facing camera in addition to the normal one on the back? I have a Droid 3 and whenever I use the front camera it washes everything out too and makes it really grainy.

Oct 16, 2012

Stacia J.

yes it has a from facing camera and lik u said its suuper grainy so i always use the back camera it takes awesome pix just washes out :-( ive tried every kind of lighting also just cant get it to look right instagram helps sometimes to make it look true to color but only on some looks i have a samsung epic 4g or something lol 

Oct 16, 2012

Kaysey L.

Oh man, well I'm sorry I can't help :( I've never had a Samsung Epic so I really don't know.