Best shampoo for hair growth!!


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Dec 2, 2013

Ana R.

So I want my hair to grow, long fast and strong. (: which shampoo to do you recommend for hair growth and where can I find the product!? Thank you.

Dec 2, 2013

Emma H.

Mane and tail shampoo has made my hair grow so much and I get it from amazon x

Dec 2, 2013

Ana R.

Really!? I have the mane n tail shampoo and conditioner and I feel like it doesn't help with my hair growth. :( I also have biotin and collagen shampoo and conditioner from organix. Since biotin is good for hair I bought it but nothing. :/

Dec 2, 2013

Hayley P.

Mane n tail didn't help me,, just get something super moisturizing drink a lot of water deep condition & try to stay away from using heat every day.

Dec 2, 2013

Ana R.

Kay thanks!

Dec 2, 2013

Anexis A.

Iheard the mane and tail shampoo causes cancer...idont know if its true and I'm not saying it is...thats just something iheard.

Dec 3, 2013

Jess O.

I don't think it depends on what shampoo you use, if you have a good diet it will play a major role in how fast and healthy your hair grows, the only product that I would say definitely HELPS with growing hair is argon oil, obviously if you style your hair with heat every day it will not grow, my advice is put your hair up in a bun every day and only heat style when you absolutely have to, you'll definitely notice some major growth

Dec 3, 2013

Erin M.

No such thing exists. Nothing can help your hair grow, there are things that you can do/take to promote hair growth, but how much your hair grow is ultimately determined by genetics and how well you take care of your hair and your body.

Dec 3, 2013

Ty R.

Try mane n tail. Or biotin shampoo.