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Dec 2, 2013

Airy B.

I colored my hair a light purple and got introuble at school. is there any hairstyles I can do to hide it? I was thinking of even patting baby powder on it. all suggestions welcome. thanks.

Dec 2, 2013

Airy B.

my hair

Dec 2, 2013

Kaitlyn M.

Why in the world did you get in trouble?!?

Dec 2, 2013

Airy B.

Lol bc my school is stupid!!

Dec 2, 2013

Airy B.

I'm so angey.

Dec 2, 2013

Kaitlyn M.

It's so annoying to me how everyone and everything is trying dictate how we live, look and act. Your hair isn't crazy looking so they should just let you be. It's called self expression. But as far as your hair goes... Idk maybe get a temp dye kit?

Dec 2, 2013

Airy B.

Ok thank you. :) and I know I agree.

Dec 2, 2013

Louisa G.

Try a messy bun... And put the dyed hairs under the normal ones... Cute dog btw ;) have you thought of bleaching or dying it blonde back?! Well Hope it helped a Bit... Xx 😘 Good Luck...🍀

Dec 2, 2013

Vally W.

Well they can't kick you out or nothing so the hell wth them...

Dec 2, 2013

Airy B.

Thanks Louisa he's my baby. :) and I don't want to dye it back and ruin it. and lol Vally that's what I think too but I guess they can kick you out it's ridiculous thanks ladies.

Dec 2, 2013

Amanda jade N.

That's crazy I my hair looked crazier than your when I was in high school and I had visible piercings they never any thing try temp color to hide it

Dec 2, 2013

Airy B.

I know it's so ridoculous.

Dec 2, 2013

Honey E.

I think it looks good! but yeah I would go with a bun.

Dec 2, 2013

Airy B.

thanks honey :)

Dec 2, 2013

Anna S.

If your parents are cool with you coloring your hair, whether it is a natural color like lighter blond, or something more fun like purple, your school shouldn't be threatening to kick you out. Do you go to a private school? That's just really frustrating, it's NOT that big of a deal that it would be a distraction to other students, and it doesn't look bad or trashy, like ripped jeans or something. So a school really has no reason to forbid this. So, I would not color it back or anything. If a bun can hide it, do that... Maybe if there are some purple parts poking out you can cover it with a big stretchy headband? Sorry I'm not much help but that just makes me mad. I graduated high school a while ago, finished my undergrad by now, this stuff still makes me mad.

Dec 2, 2013

Millie C.

My school was the exact same, they would rather take you out of lessons and stop you learning rather than have bright hair! a bun would work aslong as it wasn't too high.. maybe curly also!:)

Dec 2, 2013

Aileen L.

Hey my school is also same as yours! we can do nothibg from colouring hair to growing nails and paint it.

Dec 2, 2013

Aileen L.

I just become so frastrated! my school is girls convent...uurrgghh I hate it.

Dec 2, 2013

Samantha S.

That's ridiculous your hair looks great! Tell yor parents to write or call the school try a thick head band or bun

Dec 2, 2013

Airy B.

Thank you ladies I'm glad I hv others to understand and I know @Millie C. it's like they rather me not learn than hv a little purple in my hair. and yes, @Anna S. my parents are find with it bc like you said it's not trashy it's self expression. and sorry to hear your school is like mine @Aileen L. thank you all beauties! :) <3.

Dec 2, 2013

Airy B.

Thanks Samantha I think I will.

Dec 2, 2013

Zoe O.

We have that rule at school but we have school uniforms and we have done people with purple hair, I guess you just got unlucky.

Dec 3, 2013

Chloe W.

There's something called color oops that you can buy at a drug store that doesn't do too much damage at taking out color. When I'm trying to remove color I'll wash my hair with dish soap because it has stronger cleaning agents. Batiste makes a dry shampoo that it blonde tinted that may help cover it a little. The purple is in a lot of places so I'm not sure how much hairstyles would help. If it isn't explicitly stated that you can't dye your hair maybe try too talk to the principal in a way that doesn't come off as angry or like you're being defiant. Sorry if that doesn't help too much. Best of luck and maybe wait until summer in the future☺️

Dec 3, 2013

Airy B.

thanks beauties :)))

Dec 3, 2013

Rachel S.

Honestly. Unless there is a written rule against coloring your hair. I'd have your parents talk to the school about that. It's called discrimination and places can get in serious trouble for that.