Wanna dye my hair.


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Dec 2, 2013

Tiffany L.

So I dyed a strip of my hair over the summer and now it's just the bleach which is still fading. If I bleach it again & dye it a different color (with more hair) will it turn out ok?

Dec 2, 2013

Emily M.

I think it will! it just may damage your hair a lot, because you bleached it once, and you're doing it again. lol bleaching kills your hair!

Dec 2, 2013

Tiffany L.

Thanks! lol I know but I realllyyy want it & I wanna get it before other people start getting it

Dec 2, 2013

Poppy C.

Buy some argon oil from a salon to help heal ya hair x

Dec 2, 2013

Tiffany L.

Ok I'll try that. thanks!