Hair extensions...Are they worth it??


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Dec 1, 2013

Ashten P.

So I have extremely short hair and my mom wants to get 20 inch extensions from Donna Bella. They are $42.00 and that's on sale and I have to buy 5 bags but are they really worth it? Please tell me your opinions. It's much appreciated.

Dec 1, 2013

Amanda V.

I don't know anything about that particular brand. I use Euronext from Sally's, but I also reccommend Luxy hair. Both of these are clip ins.

To me they're TOTALLY worth it. I wear them every day to school, unless I scrunch my natural hair (which is really wavy/curly) My hair is decently long without them, but it really makes a major difference, length and volume wise.

My advice to you is get your hair trimmed & thinned out, with the ends cut choppy, instead of straight across. (You can also mention to your stylist you want your hair to blend with extensions) This will ensure they blend seamlessly. Also make sure the color you buy is on point, or at least very close to your hair color. Nothing is worse than extensions that don't match your real hair.

Finally, take good care of them! When I wash mine, I comb them out with a wide tooth comb so the hair doesn't rip out. I also use heat protectant on them. I store them in a hair extension case (got mine from Sally's) and most importantly, when you wash them let them air dry on a towel! Be aware that using heat consistently will damage them just like real hair. The life span of my extensions I believe are 6 months, but with proper care they'll last much longer.

Sorry this was so long! I hope it helped! :)

Dec 1, 2013

Ellie M.

Hair extensions in my opinion were my saving grace but there are downsides to them, my hair got thinner because of the extra weight and they did take longer to put in in the morning BUT they also had a good side, I was more confident and happy with my hair. Just take care of them and wash them, protect them from heat, and brush them carefully to prevent breakage, they will last so much longer!! Hope this helped xx

Dec 1, 2013

Amanda V.

Oh, I also forgot to mention play around with clipping them in different ways, and see what works best for you! It took me some time to develop a system for myself.

Dec 2, 2013

Ashten P.

See the ones I'm getting are the cylinders and I don't have to put them in every morning they stay in by themselves

Dec 3, 2013

Amanda V.

Ooops, my bad. Well either way I can assure you it's worth it! :)