Who has an undercut?? I do!! I do!!


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Dec 1, 2013

Brittany J.

Wanted something creative and different but sexy!!💋💋💋

Dec 1, 2013

Kerri-Ann W.

I love it!

Dec 1, 2013

Brittany J.

Thank you!!😘

Dec 1, 2013

Devin P.

Omg that is soooo cute I wana do that

Dec 1, 2013

Brittany J.

Thank you Devin!! I ALWAYS wanted to get one and decided one day what the heck?? Lol.

Dec 1, 2013

Brittany J.

Thank you Lizz!!😊

Dec 1, 2013

Ashley L.

I really want to do something like that too but I can't find a good barber where I live :((

Dec 1, 2013

Ashley L.

I want this :))

Dec 1, 2013

Brittany J.

That looks awesome!!👌👌👌 I did my research in my city to find the best barber shop. The guy is really talented and he charged me $20..are there any shops where you live?

Dec 1, 2013

Ashley L.

Yes, a few but they have never done anything like this ^^ before. I would probably have to go to the nearest city which is an hour away.

Dec 1, 2013

Brittany J.

Ooooh ok yea it takes skill to shave designs and you have to trust the right barber lol! Well if you do decide to get it you won't be disappointed trust me! I love mine and it's a secret to express yourself😊

Dec 1, 2013

Ashley L.

Yeah I definitely don't want anyone to mess it up. hoping I can find someone soon I have been wanting an undercut forever already.

Dec 2, 2013

Brittany J.

Yea I love mine😍 a little high maintenance because you have to touch it up every few weeks but I love it!!

Dec 2, 2013

Ashley L.

Do you do it at home or go to the barber to do it? My husband thinks he can keep it clean since the star is straight lines.