Help me look like a girl...


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Dec 4, 2013

Christin B.

I noticed I look "boyish" or masculine. I put makeup on, but I still don't feel quite like a pretty girl. Maybe I'm not applying it in the right ways?

Can someone please help?
Thank you xoxo

Dec 4, 2013

Megan R.

Just looked at your photos your really pretty! I'm thinking maybe you feel this way because of your face shape I have the same fAce shape and feel I look masculine sometimes too. Usually I just contour my cheeks a little and around my jawline, I find that it helps.

Dec 4, 2013

Christin B.

Thanks a bunch megan!! you are too :)
yes I have a very square looking face and also I have tiny lips! I will try that for sure, thanks again!

Dec 4, 2013

Rebecca B.

I think more defined eyebrows and some blush would make you look more feminine, you're very pretty as you are though. :)

Dec 4, 2013

Christin B.

Thank you rebecca, that's very helpful! you are as well :)

Dec 4, 2013

Kenzie L.

A good way to emphasize smaller lips is to use high sheen gloss. if you're not a fan of shiny lips, highlighting your cupids bow and lining just outside your natural line will create a fuller lip. lip plumpers are ok but I haven't found one that gives very dramatic results. I've got my eye on too faced lip injection though ;)

Dec 4, 2013

Christin B.

thanks kenzie!!?

Dec 4, 2013

Elana D.

You are beautiful!!
you do look like a girl I also have those days that I look at myself and I just see someone else. :)

Dec 5, 2013

Christin B.

Thank you elana :) you're beautiful too! I feel like I have those days often! lol.