What do wear home when it's cold?


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Dec 3, 2013

Shanice D.

My fleece pjs And my night gown! X.

Dec 3, 2013

Laura N.

Ahhh the human sock! I want one sooo bad! my friend and I were just ogling over them yesterday

Dec 3, 2013

Diana J.

Alyx, I would like to see amazing canadian taiga, those huge trees. At leats I suppose you have a lot of snow, while we don,t, just sometimes about 1m, but it happens only few times a winter usually. And our humidity is so high and make us feel that the temp lower than it actually is. About California clothes -> I guess their sweaters a bit different from those which are selled in places where is a "real" winter)))) At least this is available for some brands with outwear, for us they are suitable just till 5C:-)

Dec 3, 2013

Alyx T.

Haha yes we got 20 cm just last night. It's snowing like crazy outside. It's windy too, so it makes it feel much colder than it really is. We have so much snow November till like march lol I live in Alberta so we don't have much taiga trees near me, BC is full of them though.

Dec 5, 2013

Heather I.

Lounge pants and a sweater or shawl. I have quite a few pairs of fuzzy socks too. need them here. It's about -25 right now.

Dec 5, 2013

Vanessa V.

@hoda where did you find those leggings? Their cute!

Dec 5, 2013

Emily W.

It's just now starting to get cold where I live; it was 30 degrees Fahrenheit last night and is colder this morning. I wear a long sleeve shirt, jeans with tights underneath, and a jacket and mittens. :)

There might actually be snow in Sacramento on Saturday morning! Though it would probably just be flurries that melt instantly if it did happen. Still, it is a pretty big deal to get snow down here. :D