Toner For Dry Skin?


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Dec 26, 2013

Melissa P.

I want to use a toner to help my skin But all the ones I have tried made it worse. is there any for dry skin that aren't too expensive?

Dec 26, 2013

Nadine S.

Use alcohol free toners and I have been using sephora hydrating toner it is a green spray bottle. Also neutrogena has the alcohol free toner. Besides that if you have a target check the boots no.7 cosmetics line. They have a pink bottle hydrating toner works amazingly and it's hypoallergenic.

Dec 26, 2013

Aoife M.

Rose water is good for dry skin.

Dec 26, 2013

Sara W.

Lush has some great natural toners.

Dec 26, 2013

Kristen L.

Using a tone is good to help any skin type but you should use it with a face moisturizer as well. A tone brings the skin back to its natural ph balance and helps to get the skin ready for the moisturizer. Like Nadine said using one with out alcohol is great. For a drug store brand I would say one made by simple is good and one by aveeno as well

Dec 26, 2013

Devon D.

Alcohol free, also avoid tea tree or witch hazel as they're astrigents, decleor does a good one "flora hydrate" or you can buy rose water in any good chemist :)

Dec 26, 2013

Kitty K.

I LOVE using apple cider vinegar. I dilute it with green tea so it's half and half. And I'll add oils in it like vitamin e or jojoba. It doesn't dry out my dry skin and it helps loads with spots, blemishes, and leaves your skin tone so even ❤❤it balances your skins PH... But it must be the raw unfiltered kind for best benefits

Dec 26, 2013

Aina B.

Lumene's moisturizing toner.

Dec 26, 2013

S M.

Simple toner is very gentle, non-drying and fragrance free.

Dec 28, 2013

Melissa P.

Thanks guys! I'm going to look into the suggestions!

Melissa P.

New Hampshire