Solution for My dry skin?


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Dec 27, 2013

Arlette G.

Hi girlies
well my skin Is really dry I sometimes use The penut butter lotion for My body because Is the only one that last but I kinda hate The smell. But My face Is dry too sometimes I get black dots and they told me that Is because My skin Is dry...Is there any lotions you know That can help for my body & face (:

Dec 27, 2013

Chris C.

I've never heard of getting black dots from having dry skin, but what type of face cleanser are you using? That may be the culprit. If not I would suggest drinking more water and I also wear a very light layer of Vaseline on my face under my makeup during the winter to keep my skin protected.

Dec 27, 2013

Berkeley K.

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated! Use a moisturizer after washing your face (I really like clean n clear) make a honey face mask (just rub normal honey directly onto your skin) let it sit for 20-30 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. It's super moisturizing for youse skin, and it makes it feel amazing!!

Dec 27, 2013

Lisa S.

I recommend CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser and CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion; I have tried everything and now my skin looks so much better now that I have been using. As for the black dots? Are you talking about blackheads? I would recommend a mask like Freeman's or Queen Helene's Mint Julep Mask, you can buy them
at just about every drugstore their is. I would only use once a week though...As for body lotion I would use Eucerin, its more expensive but works better than anything else I've tried, but don't put this on your face! Just the CeraVe, their is a huge difference in facial moisturizers and just regular body lotions

Dec 27, 2013

Lolita B.

Do you mean blotches? I've done the Vaseline as a night time cream. And yes, lots of water is key (something I'm guilty of not doing enough of :P).

Dec 27, 2013

Lisa S.

I also recommend not putting vaseline on your face either... It will probably make you break out. So if you do get blemishes, I recommend Sea Breeze Sensitive Toner (again you can buy all this stuff at drugstores) and you apply a toner after cleansing your skin and apply all over face with a cotton ball and the use a moisturizer. You will also need a spot treatment, but this is only for if your skin breaks out though

Dec 27, 2013

Arlette G.

Thank you so much girlies I will get The lotions and the The mask(:

Dec 27, 2013

Chris C.

I forgot to mention that I use gold bond body lotion, it stays on until my next shower, I don't even need shaving cream to shave as the lotion literally stays on that long, I also would recommend not using a toner because it will dry you out even more.

Drink more water and you may want to switch up your face wash. If your skin feels right after washing it, change your face wash ASAP :)

Dec 28, 2013

Tori B.

Mary Kay has some fantastic deep moisturizing products! They're night cream is very moisturizing and they have some other ones for the day time!