Coenzyme 10 Supplements


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Oct 26, 2012

Rose M.

Has anyone tried this supplement before? Supposedly it's good for anti-aging/gives energy to your cells and prevents free radical damage! I am interested in trying this supplement, but I'm not sure if being in my early 20's with taking this supplement would be detrimental to my health. I've heard that we coenzyme 10 lessens as we age. There are a lot of benefits to coenzyme 10, but I am a little weary of taking it due to my age. I don't think it can do harm, but who knows. What are your experiences?

Nov 4, 2012

Shelley W.

With supplements you have to be very careful. They carry side effects that could be harmful to your internal system. I've heard of the one you mentioned but never tried because I believe that great skincare,diet and exercise can delay the aging process... not some expensive little pill. My husband is a chemist and I've heard him discuss supplements with his peers and they love the science behind it but are concerned about the long-term effects of it (negative and positive). What I found effective for me to ward off free radical damage is using a really good antioxident serum and a moisturizing sunscreen with spf 30. I also stay away from white flour,milk,white rice,white sugar. I could go on and on but I hope I was some help. :)

Nov 4, 2012

Rose M.

Hi Shelley,
Thanks for your response. I know that there could be side effects and I know that each individual could react differently to supplements. I know that I should be more aware of fat soluble vitamins and vitamins that can cause toxicity. I do not know much about coenzyme 10. I take care of my skin, but I do not have the time to exercise as much as I would like to. So if possible, supplements will be a better alternative for me due to my busy schedule. I stay away from white flour and sugar as well. I do drink fat free milk occasionally without rBST because that hormone was negatively impacting my own hormones! I use a daily moisturizer everyday with spf, but I haven't tried the antioxidant serum. My skin is very sensitive and acne prone, so I tend to use a calming moisturizer with antioxidants instead. If your husband knows anything about coenzyme 10, please let me know! I would like to see if this supplement is safe for 20 year olds. Thank you :)

Nov 5, 2012

Melissa A.

I'm 21 and I take it every day, among other vitamins. My doctor says it's fine!

Nov 5, 2012

Landrey S.

I absolutely respect what Shelly said. You have to consider current health, and extended health. Id definitely talk with your doctor if its something you really want to try. The simplest method for anti aging is proper sun protection 365 days of the year and a healthy lifestyle. OTC AHAs and BHAs are also an option.

Nov 6, 2012

Shelley W.

I asked my hubs about it and this is what he told me...
* Do not take the one's touted by skincare brands because they are loaded with fillers
* Make sure you purchase from a reputable store and that the pills do not come from overseas ( China and Japan for example)
*Be aware that your Co10 stores start decreasing once you hit 30 so if you're still in your early 20's this could be a waste of money unless you are testing out low in this substance since it is naturally produced in the human body
*The side-effects include upset stomach, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea
*See a doctor before taking to rule out any possible conditions that could exist that could cause further damage if one is to take COQ10...if you have diabetes or hypoglycemia... need to be careful & under direct doctors care because it can lower sugar levels into unsafe zone.

What irks my hubby about CoQ10 is the fact that it isn't regulated by the FDA and skincare companies come out with Q10 pills and touting it as a skincare must-have. So then you have young girls going out and buying this stuff not knowing what it truly is about and the hidden dangers of it (taking unsafe amounts). I'm a body builder and many in my training group rely on it for energy but they're over 30 & use it for Adrenal fatigue. It has been suggested by my trainer to take it but I refuse to because the only pills I'm willing to take are my multi-vitamin and Omegas other than that I don't even take Advil. You can actually consume small amounts of Q10 in meat and seafood. He did mention more than once to go see a doc before running out and getting bottle and having a full blood screen done to rule out any unknown pre-existing conditions. I hope this helped you further Rose. :) 

Nov 10, 2012

Rose M.

Thank you Shelley. Very informative answer. I appreciate your response. I will ask my doctor if taking coenzyme 10 will be of any benefit and whether my health is suited to take this supplement. 

Nov 10, 2012

Shelley W.

You're welcome Rose M