Why Does This Happen?


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Dec 28, 2013

Hannah K.

Most things will do that. The thing to remember is that your skin will get worse before it gets better. Right now the proactive is causing pimples to surface because it's drawing the impurities out of your skin. Once it has done that, your skin should stay clear.

Dec 28, 2013

Hannah K.

Well yeah, that^ it's really harsh on your skin and very volatile. It doesn't mix well with other products. My sister used it with sunscreen once and it made her entire face break out in hives.

Dec 28, 2013

Taylor H.

Clinique is the best. I use it and its great but at first it made me break out even more bc my skin was getting used to it. if you use clinique, don't use other face washes or it will irritate your skin.