Cleanse or No Cleanse.


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Dec 28, 2013

Mabel C.

Do juicing, juice actual fresh fruits and veggies! Then make soups by grinding up all the ingredients so that it's kinda like a drink! You need to drink allot of water! Also take natural laxatives because you want to flush all the toxins out of your body. Btw your going to wanna stay close to a bathroom aha

Dec 28, 2013

Ty R.

Just drink lots of water with lemon. Green tea before bed. Try some warm lemon water in the mornings to get your body going. Do it within the first 30 min of getting up. I wouldn't try a detox drink until I tried natural methods first.

Dec 28, 2013

Corrie S.

Ok... so I am not telling you not to do it, but here are a couple things you should consider. One, if you really want to do a juice cleanse, doing it for a couple months is too long! One to two weeks is optimal. Also, not to be creepy, but I saw on your profile that you are 14. Drinking only juiced fruits + veggies for more than that could impact your growth / development. If you don't go about it in the right way, you could ne depriving your body of essential nutrients. On another note, it's really expensive!

Dec 28, 2013

Taylor H.

^ she's right!

Dec 28, 2013

Adrianna G.

I agree with Corrie :) you are beautiful!! And Hailey is correct with the dieting and added detox smoothies? And also adding some type of cardio to your schedule is really important :)

Dec 28, 2013

Roz X.

Juicing is a big lifestyle and health change so it's important to ensure you are getting enough nutrients, vitamins, etc..but it is equally important to monitor sugar intake or excesses..such as potassium. If you want to drop some pounds, I suggest drinking a full glass of water prior to each meal. Walking or any sort of exercise (Yep..Wii does PlayStation Move) speeds up your metabolism so it's best to exercise before you eat.. but eat something small for energy prior. Adding green tea to your daily beverages boosts your detox bucks. I sweeten mine with a hint of Agave nectar. Pull wayyy back on dairy, sugar and breads/pasta/starches. Grilled fish, steamed veggies, edamame...these are all wins. Always consume your fruit in the early part of your day to enable your body to process the sugar. Best of luck.